pull away

pull away [pul əˈwei]  [pʊl əˈwe] 

pull away 基本解释

pull away的翻译


pull away 相关例句

pull away的翻译


1. Let's pull away the wrapper first.

pull away 网络解释

1. 脱身,离开;脱出:processed food腌制食品 | pull away脱身,离开;脱出 | purchasing price买价

2. (让.....)走开,(使)离开:pull in (车)停下,(车)进站,(船)到岸 | pull down 拆毁;降低 | pull away (让.....)走开,(使)离开

3. 脱身:pull at 用力拉 | pull away 脱身 | pull back 向后拉

4. 拉离:Puddle Effect水坑效应. | Pull Away拉离. | Pulse Plating脉冲电镀法.

pull away 词典解释

1. (车辆)开始驶离;(驾车者)开走车辆
    When a vehicle or driver pulls away, the vehicle starts moving forward.

    e.g. I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.

2. 远离;疏远
    If you pull away from someone that you have had close links with, you deliberately become less close to them.

    e.g. Other daughters, faced with their mother's emotional hunger, pull away...
    e.g. He'd pulled away from her as if she had leprosy.

pull away 单语例句

1. Soon after his milk feed, he was trying to pull away and chew at the nursing expert's clothes.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. Pull the wings away from the body and cut close to the body.

3. Pull over to the side of the road away from overpasses and power lines if driving.

4. The Trail Blazers began to pull away late in the first quarter.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. As a small flotilla of boats turned out to watch the giant liner pull away, passengers lining the ship's balconies waved Union Jack flags and threw streamers.

6. The Americans went to full court pressure to mount a comeback and started to pull away early in the third quarter.

7. As the weather warms up, pull your posse away from all the same places and cool down dockside.

8. pull away在线翻译

8. Grasp the head with one hand and the tail with the other and gently pull the tail section with the meat away from the head.

9. pull away的翻译

9. Police took advantage of the situation to take away the boy's knife and pull him inside the handrail of the bridge.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. The crews planned to close the hatches later yesterday, and the shuttle is set to pull away today.

pull away 英英释义



1. pull back or move away or backward

    e.g. The enemy withdrew
           The limo pulled away from the curb

    Synonym: withdraw retreat draw back recede pull back retire move back
