public opinion

public opinion [ˈpʌblik əˈpinjən]  [ˈpʌblɪk əˈpɪnjən] 

第三人称复数:public opinions

public opinion 基本解释

public opinion

名词公众意见; 舆论,民意

public opinion 网络解释

1. 社会舆论:社会舆论(Public Opinion)对当今世界的国家公共政策和对外关系发挥着越来越重要的作用. 到整个70年代和80年代,美国媒体在新闻报道中对于社会调查数据的分析和引用越来越多. 由于费用、时间以及不同形态媒体的受众群差异等因素,

public opinion 词典解释

1. 舆论;民意
    Public opinion is the opinion or attitude of the public regarding a particular matter.

    e.g. He mobilized public opinion all over the world against hydrogen-bomb tests.

public opinion 单语例句

1. public opinion

1. The media's exposure of the illegal demolition in Harbin resulted in the pressure of public opinion forcing the local government to act.

2. The first measure adopted centred on integrating leaders with the general public by means of public opinion polls and secret balloting.

3. The power of public opinion should not be underestimated - this played an active role in driving the later attacks on corruption.

4. public opinion在线翻译

4. And public opinion should shift from moral exclamation to active support for migrant workers to get their salaries in time.

5. public opinion的翻译

5. US policy on matters such as acquisition activity by Chinese companies will still be determined by broader shifts in American public opinion.

6. Second it is meant to sway public opinion in favor of the opposition camp ahead of the 2012 CE election.

7. Both camps expressed optimism about the outcome with a certainty that was not apparent in any public opinion polls.

8. These hospices are trying to change public opinion about the service they offer.

9. The authorities claim the change of name is in accordance with public opinion.

10. Wong believed compulsory drug testing is a controversial issue that requires statutory enforcement, adding that the government is preparing a consultation paper to seek public opinion.

public opinion 英英释义


1. public opinion

1. a belief or sentiment shared by most people
    the voice of the people

    e.g. he asked for a poll of public opinion

    Synonym: popular opinion opinion vox populi
