public housing的翻译
1. 公共房屋:香港的公共房屋(public housing)是政府为低收入居民提供的住宅. 由政府出资兴建和拥有业权,以廉价租金出租予居民. 由房屋委员会兴建及管理. 现在,香港约有 230万人(总人口的35%)居住在 670000个租住公屋单位.
2. 公房:3.尽管住房租金限制这种措施(一如大多数人所知,即使在最早实施此种措施的地方亦复如此),长期以来一直被视为是一项在政治上不可否弃的紧急措施,直到今天情况亦无多大变化,但是,力图通过提供公房(public housing)或建筑补贴来降低人口中较贫困者的住房费用的种种努力,
1. It would mean public housing tenants who had been buying up private properties suddenly had found an attractive alternative.
2. But such a cancerous consequence has an immediate impact on housing prices and public perception of the problem.
3. Our CE should maintain a pragmatic approach toward his Policy Address, with concrete measures to address public needs in terms of housing and poverty relief.
4. The HA yesterday held a plenary meeting to discuss the report on the review of public housing rent by an internal ad hoc committee.
5. Ng also said land reserved for higher education will not be reassigned for residential flats to fulfill the Chief Executive's aggressive public housing program.
6. But it's his housing policy that struck a chord with the general public and ultimately won him the election.
7. What we lack is an ideology that places social cohesion on the top of the public housing policy agenda.
8. Suspicions over collusion that resulted in the rich getting the government subsidized housing have caused public complaints in cities like Beijing in the past.
9. Representatives of public housing tenants have demanded that the authority follow the court order and adjust their rents and refund the overcharged sums.
10. Find a housing complex that accepts large dogs and verify it with the Public Security Bureau that oversees the compound.
1. a housing development that is publicly funded and administered for low-income families
Synonym: housing project