public debt

public debt [ˈpʌblik det]  [ˈpʌblɪk dɛt] 

public debt 基本解释


public debt 网络解释

1. 公债:他续称,财政部未来两年可能要额外发债2万亿美元;华府的一连串救市方案,最终亦只会推高公债(public debt)利率,从而削弱美元,届时外国投资者将会认真考虑,美元资产长远的投资价值.

2. 政府债务;公债:public corporation 上市公司;公营公司 | public debt 政府债务;公债 | public debt repayment 偿还政府债务

3. 公共债务,政府公债:public company accounting oversight board公开招股公司会计监察委员会 | public debt公共债务,政府公债 | public expenditure公共支出

4. 公债;国债:PSU Public service unit公共服务部门事业单位 | public debt公债,国债p54 | public disclosure 群众举报公开披露

public debt 单语例句

1. His studiedly public nudity was an attempt to cancel out this debt.

2. Now Japan is shackled with the largest public debt among industrialized nations and a corporate sector that's addicted to zero interest rates.

3. The cabinet revamp is aimed at coping with a divided parliament and tackling reforms to rein in public debt.

4. One of the most worrying is the same factor that fueled the current crisis in the Eurozone - mushrooming public debt.

5. This will be the second sale of debt by the bank, and it will replenish its capital base ahead of a planned initial public offering.

6. Details of the auction was announced by the Public Debt Management Agency, which is supervised by the Ministry of Finance.


7. Henderson said the objective is to reduce GM's $ 27 billion of outstanding public debt by about $ 24 billion.

8. public debt的翻译

8. Hungary has been severely hit by the financial crisis and economic recession since 2008 and has a high fiscal deficit and public debt ratio.

9. Nevertheless, this possibility also implies a rapid increase of the Spanish public debt to GDP ratio.

10. Corporations choose to " go public " instead of issuing debt securities for several reasons.

public debt 英英释义


1. public debt的意思

1. the total of the nation's debts: debts of local and state and national governments
    an indicator of how much public spending is financed by borrowing instead of taxation
