

pu 基本解释

abbr.paid up 付清; polyurethane(聚氨酯)

pu 网络解释


1. 氨纶:同时,这些产品可进一步合成高性能聚氨酯树脂、弹性纤维氨纶(PU)、性能优良的工程塑料等. 碳酸二甲酯(DMC)既是一种基本的有机化工原料,也是一种正在崛起的化工原料产品,在医药合成材料、染料、涂料、粘合剂、润滑油添加剂、光电子材料等领域获得广泛应用.

2. 钚:它将可以制造出大量非天然放射性同位素的集束,比如铀(U-235、U-238)、钚(Pu)等人工放射性同位素. 利用重粒子放射性同位素的集束,有望解开元素诞生之谜以及建立有关原子核的新理论.

3. 聚氨酯:8月7日, 聚氨酯(PU)泡沫行业含氢氯氟烃(HCFC)消费情况调查报告评估会在北京召开. 部对外合作中心、中国塑料加工工业协会、中国家电协会、中国农村新能源协会太阳能热利用专业委员会、北京大学、中国建筑科学研究院材料所和行业专家等30余人参加了本次会议.

4. pu:petic ulcer; 消化性溃疡

5. pu:processing unit; 微处理器

6. pu:pregnant urine; 孕尿

7. pu:power units; 动力机组

pu 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. AQSIQ deputy director Pu Changcheng said the action is a new attempt to develop China's GI system and opens opportunities for future international cooperation.

2. pu的反义词

2. Pu Liang was found in solitary confinement at the camp last Thursday and is now receiving treatment at West China Second University Hospital.

3. Hong Kong star Carina Lau and mainland actress Miao Pu play the two female characters.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Pu vowed the authorities would seriously tackle the Sanlu case and study the hidden factors which might lead to serious quality incidents.

5. Pu was in bed plucking her eyebrows when she swallowed the pin and started to cough at about 10 pm.

6. Pu says that compared with traditional ways of planting trees, aerial seeding effectively lowers the cost and reaches areas people can hardly access.

7. pu在线翻译

7. They date back to the ancient Pu people who lived in the Nujiang River reaches in the second century.

8. Pu sees investment opportunities in defensive plays including Chinese mainland's telecom and pharmaceutical shares.

9. But the office joined Pu in calling for Taiwan to allow direct air services across the Straits as soon as possible.

10. Pu Jie's girls are erotic with thick red lips and tight clothing.
