
psychiatrists [ˌsaɪ'kaɪətrɪsts]  [ˌsaɪ'kaɪətrɪsts] 


psychiatrists 基本解释
精神病专家,精神病医生( psychiatrist的名词复数 );
psychiatrists 网络解释


1. 精神病医生:心理咨询师是研究人类行为的专家. 大部分心理咨询师帮助精神上正常的人寻找如何更好的方式,例如培训人们如何处理压力和问题. 很多机构和组织也很广泛地使用心理疗法. 心理咨询师(Psychologists)和精神病医生(Psychiatrists)是不一样的,心理咨询师一般并不负责治疗精神病人,也没有处方权.

2. 精神科医生:一般情况下,精神科医生(psychiatrists)的收费会比心理学家(psychologists)或者社会工作人员(clinical social workers)高一些,但是费用的差别还有很多其他因素,例如专业人员的经验和资历,找他看病的人数,所处地点,以及是为医院工作还是独立开业.

3. 精神病医师:2533 Internal medicine specialists 内科专家医师 | 2534 Psychiatrists 精神病医师 | 2535 Surgeons 外科医生

4. 精力病医师:2533 Internal medicine specialists:内科专家医师 | 2534 Psychiatrists:精力病医师 | 2535 Surgeons:外科医生

psychiatrists 单语例句

1. It is necessary for universities to have psychiatrists or psychologists ready to provide adequate care for students suffering from depression or other serious mental problems.

2. After the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US, a great many psychiatrists and psychological consultants conducted psychological rescue for survivors on the spot.

3. He later organized the compilation of China's first national standard textbook for psychiatrists.

4. The psychiatrists offered differing opinions however about the degree of disability Wang's mental state may have caused.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Chinese psychiatrists and legal scholars had urged a full psychiatric examination, suspecting that Qiu committed the crimes during a spell of mental illness.

6. psychiatrists

6. Psychiatrists suggested that work should begin in collaboration with the Metro system.

7. Other psychiatrists say Jerusalem Syndrome is not a disorder in itself but a manifestation of other psychoses.

8. All three of them were suffering from some form of mental disorder, and psychiatrists had diagnosed the problems with two of them.

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9. The psychiatrists said allowing Hinckley to leave unsupervised was the next step in his recovery from his mental illness.

10. Local authorities will ask psychiatrists to examine and assess Yang's mental state.
