
pseudonym [ˈsu:dənɪm]  [ˈsudn:ˌɪm] 


pseudonym 基本解释


pseudonym 网络解释

1. 假名:按照附件一的规定,一个合格的证书(qualified certificate)必须包含如下内容:(1)表明该证书属于一个合格证书的信息;(2)认证机构的身份以及它在哪个国家设立;(3)签署人的名称或假名(pseudonym (4)有关签署人特殊属性的条款;

2. 笔名:pseudo-democratic 假民主的 | pseudonym 筆名 | pseudomyopia 假性近視

3. 匿名:pseudomyopia 假性近视 | pseudonym 匿名 | pseudonymity 使用假名

4. 笔名,假名:predicament困境;尴尬的处境;危境 | pseudonym笔名,假名 | plume羽毛,羽状物

pseudonym 词典解释

1. 假名;笔名
    A pseudonym is a name which someone, usually a writer, uses instead of his or her real name.

    e.g. Both plays were published under the pseudonym of Philip Dayre.

pseudonym 单语例句

1. " Esperanto " was his writer's pseudonym, a reference to the word " hope ".

2. But while Sin's pseudonym seems to extol evil as her most venerated virtue, she's actually quite nice.

3. She spoke on condition of using her online pseudonym for fear of reprisals.

4. The report said Heim was living under a pseudonym and had converted to Islam by the time of his death from intestinal cancer.

5. Published his first vernacular short story Diary of a Madman under the pseudonym Lu Xun.

6. pseudonym

6. Pictures from the Web log of a woman from Shanghai who goes by the pseudonym Mu Mu.

7. pseudonym的翻译

7. The Shanghai Morning Post identified the victim as Lisa, probably a pseudonym.

8. He took Lenin as his pseudonym in 1901 while in Siberian exile near the Lena River.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. The man requested anonymity, saying he would rather be known by his pseudonym.

10. He also advises people to be creative when coming up with a pseudonym.

pseudonym 英英释义



1. a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role

    Synonym: anonym nom de guerre
