
prowler [ˈpraʊlə(r)]  [ ˈpraʊlɚ] 



prowler 基本解释


名词小偷; 徘徊者

prowler 网络解释

1. 猎兽 美国克莱斯勒公司:Prisma 棱镜 意大利兰旗公司 | Prowler 猎兽 美国克莱斯勒公司 | Puch 普赫 奥地利斯泰尔-戴姆勒-普赫公司

2. 巡游舰:Pioneer 先锋号 | prowler 巡游舰 | Resolute 果决号

3. 小偷:402 Fire火灾 | 403 Prowler小偷 | 404 Unknown trouble不明问题

prowler 双语例句

1. Fred sent an image over TEAMCOM, the skeletal frame of a partially constructed ship, about three times the size of their prowler.


2. This prowler of Patron-Minette has a reason, and I'll know it.

3. I see the fighters, and the prowler, but what are the other airplanes?

4. And then what is that plane directly behind the prowler, to the rear of the formation?

5. It has more armor than the Prowler, but is still a relatively light unit.

6. I hereby award you the title Master Prowler. In addition...

7. Software Description: About PC Prowler Surveillance, Monitor computer traffic in your home or in your office.
    PC Prowler Surveillance 在你的家里或者在你的办公室监视你的计算机的通讯情况。

8. I see the F-18s, and the Prowler, but what are the other three airplanes?
    我看到F - 18战斗机,和徘徊,但有什么其他的三架飞机?


9. He switched on his reverse-angle camera and saw Kelly and Fred jump from the lock of the prowler after him.

10. Throughout his 35-year career, Tremont worked on 28 different concept vehicles and was instrumental in bringing the Plymouth Prowler concept vehicle to market as a production vehicle.
    在他35年的生涯中,工作tremont月28两个不同的概念车,并有助于使普利茅斯prowler 概念车的市场,作为生产汽车。


11. Crichton, with the alluring Chiana, makes it off the ship in Aeryn`s Prowler.
      克赖顿,带有诱惑的Chiana,在Aerynˇs 小偷里离船做它。


12. Each carrier hosts an air wing of F/A-18 Hornet and Superhornet fighter-bombers, EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft, S-3 Viking anti-submarine and refuelers, and E-2C Hawkeye airborne command-and-control craft.

13. Constructed in parts and then assembled in deep space, Point of No Return was the largest prowler-class vessel ever built.

14. Lash sat back, and in the fine tradition of prowler commanders everywhere, he practiced exuding patience.

15. A prowler who had molested several women was caught by police last night.


16. Still headquartered in Pittsburgh, prowler has tripled its revenue since 2010.


17. No one but she saw the prowler.


18. Nocturnal prowler of western United States and Mexico.

19. The aircraft is similar to the US Navy EA-6B Prowler in its missions and operation profile, though its technology is likely to be generations behind the latter.


20. Avoid using an enclosed phone box in the street, as the prowler could trap you inside.

prowler 词典解释

1. (以盗窃、恐吓、伤人等为目的的)潜行者,跟踪者;(尤指)夜伏者
    A prowler is someone who secretly follows people or hides near their houses, especially at night, in order to steal something, frighten them, or perhaps harm them.

prowler 单语例句

1. Prowler was arrested in Bangkok by the Royal Thai Police in 2005.

prowler 英英释义



1. prowler

1. someone who prowls or sneaks about
    usually with unlawful intentions

    Synonym: sneak stalker
