
provoke [prəˈvəʊk]  [prəˈvoʊk] 







provoke 基本解释


及物动词煽动; 激起,挑起; 招致; 触怒,使愤怒

provoke 同义词


动词nettle evoke disturb infuriate irritate rile stir pique exasperate arouse incense vex anger irk excite aggravate peeve enrage annoy ruffle

provoke 反义词


及物动词appease calm soothe quiet compose

provoke 相关例句


1. Mind you. That dog is very dangerous when provoked.

2. If you provoke the dog, he may bite you.

3. The President's speech provoked much discussion.

4. He was provoked beyond endurance.

provoke 网络解释


1. 激发:尤其中学阶段要加强性教育药物滥用与暴力防治,而家庭价值也比以往受到重视(Algozzine & Berne, 1995). (prove) 毛毛虫一定能够转变成蝴蝶,其中没有逻辑的顺序或途径. 但是可以肯定的是,蝴蝶可以激发 (provoke) 毛毛虫一个强大的热望.

2. 刺激:我最大的希望是藉由和台湾本地的学者会面的这段时间,试着去刺激(provoke)他们思考,如何将这些议题放入台湾社会中讨论. 我只有一个带有距离的视野,在对台湾的片段了解中,我知道台湾现在正挣扎于国家身分(nationalhood)及全球化的问题,

3. 刺激,引起:provisional 临时的 | provoke 刺激,引起 | purport 声称

provoke 词典解释

1. provoke的意思

1. 挑衅;煽动;激怒;刺激
    If you provoke someone, you deliberately annoy them and try to make them behave aggressively.

    e.g. He started beating me when I was about fifteen but I didn't do anything to provoke him...
    e.g. I provoked him into doing something really stupid.

2. provoke

2. 激起;引起
    If something provokes a reaction, it causes it.

    e.g. His election success has provoked a shocked reaction...
    e.g. The destruction of the mosque has provoked anger throughout the Muslim world.

provoke 单语例句

1. This cannot help but provoke strong protests from the Chinese Government and Chinese people.

2. provoke在线翻译

2. During this festival revellers emerging from protective barriers provoke bulls to chase them until they both fall into the sea.

3. Chavez said he did this because of Colombian officials'claim that he backed Colombian rebels, which in fact was an excuse to provoke a war.

4. I used to come up with these crazy jobs to try and provoke my parents but they said you can be anything you want.

5. provoke

5. Confusing and sometimes ridiculous translations on the country's menus provoke the mirth of expatriates, and even cause misunderstanding on China's dietary habits.

6. Confusing and sometimes ridiculous translations on the country's menus provoke the mirth of foreigners, and even cause misunderstanding on China's dietary habits.

7. Jiang said British comments amounted to a " political plot " that aims to shirk the obligations of developed countries and provoke discord among developing countries.

8. " You'd provoke disdain if you ordered that in Berlin, " Thiele says.

9. It is pathetic that to provoke China the foreign secretary of the Philippines has not hesitated to help Japan revive the dying ember of militarism.

10. Real estate analysts also agreed that the recent capital inflows should not provoke property price surges in the city.

provoke 英英释义



1. provide the needed stimulus for

    Synonym: stimulate

2. evoke or provoke to appear or occur

    e.g. Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple

    Synonym: evoke call forth kick up

3. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)

    e.g. arouse pity
           raise a smile
           evoke sympathy

    Synonym: arouse elicit enkindle kindle evoke fire raise

4. annoy continually or chronically

    e.g. He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked
           This man harasses his female co-workers

    Synonym: harass hassle harry chivy chivvy chevy chevvy beset plague molest
