
pronounce [prəˈnaʊns]  [prəˈnaʊns] 





pronounce 基本解释



及物动词宣布,宣称; 演讲,讲述


pronounce 相关词组

1. pronounce against : 对...表示反对;

pronounce 相关例句


1. The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.

2. The judge pronounced a sentence of death on the murderer.

3. She knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly.

4. The judge pronounced sentence on the prisoner.


1. Few people pronounced for his nomination.

pronounce 网络解释

1. 断言,宣称,清楚地发音:promulgate 颁布,公布 | pronounce 断言,宣称,清楚地发音 | propel 推动,驱使

2. 断定,表示:prompt促使 | pronounce断定,表示 | recommend劝告,推荐

3. 发音:promote 促进 | ▲pronounce 发音 | ▲pronunciation 发音

4. 发音,宣布:pronoun 代词 | pronounce 发音,宣布 | pronunciation 发音

pronounce 词典解释

1. pronounce

1. 发…的音;读
    To pronounce a word means to say it using particular sounds.

    e.g. Have I pronounced your name correctly?...
    e.g. He pronounced it Per-sha, the way the English do.

2. pronounce的反义词

2. 宣称;宣告;宣布;断言
    If you pronounce something to be true, you state that it is the case.

    e.g. A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit...
    e.g. I now pronounce you man and wife.

3. 宣称;宣布
    If someone pronounces a verdict or opinion on something, they give their verdict or opinion.

    e.g. The authorities took time to pronounce their verdicts...
    e.g. 'As for me,' he pronounced, 'I can recognize a good deal when I see one'...

pronounce 单语例句

1. It is very difficult to pronounce the last name of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he prefers not to change it.

2. Many Chinese didn't even know how to pronounce Xuyi before its crayfish became nationally acclaimed.

3. The failure would be invisible to passengers and airline companies could pronounce they made adequate efforts to fix the problem.


4. They would rather learn how to properly pronounce " ni hao " than have someone give them a rehearsed greeting.


5. Heidi Schuller became the first woman to pronounce the Athletes'Oath.

6. Some wish to be able to correctly pronounce the French fashion brands while some want to understand Korean TV series without translation.

7. Without knowing enough details and without any serious thought, they pronounce their judgments as the opinion of the " majority ".

8. pronounce

8. I notice that many teachers of English in China cannot pronounce English properly and mislead students.

9. But that name was not fully embraced by the Chinese users, who struggled to pronounce and spell the name.

10. But he was unable to pronounce anything and the aide quickly removed the microphone.

pronounce 英英释义



1. pronounce的解释

1. pronounce judgment on

    e.g. They labeled him unfit to work here

    Synonym: label judge

2. pronounce的反义词

2. speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way

    e.g. She pronounces French words in a funny way
           I cannot say `zip wire'
           Can the child sound out this complicated word?

    Synonym: articulate enounce sound out enunciate say
