1. 投影幕:RL6105投影幕(Projection Screen)外壳采用了防锈材质,使用时非常牢固耐用. 内轴耐磨损、承受力特强,能承受强大的下坠力,保证幕布平整,不变形.
2. 银幕:projection print 射印相片 | projection screen 银幕 | projector 投影器,幻灯机
3. 放映银幕:projection printer 投影印刷器 | projection screen 放映银幕 | projection sketchmaster 投影转绘仪
4. 投影屏:illumination system 照明系统 | projection screen 投影屏 | protractor screen 量角器屏幕
1. The 201 and 501 series of wireless HD sharing devices have screen projection functionality and can directly transmit content from the small screen.
2. The motion of the bodies " writing " characters is introduced with the video projection of a character written on a huge white screen.
1. a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing
Synonym: screen silver screen