
progressive [prəˈgresɪv]  [prəˈɡrɛsɪv] 


progressive 基本解释


形容词进步的; 不断前进的; 进行的

名词改革论者; 进步分子

progressive 反义词

形容词conservative regressive

progressive 相关例句



1. He was a progressive thinker.

2. There is often a progressive loss of sight in old age.

3. This is a very progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.

progressive 网络解释

1. 前进的:一般而言,英语世界的人士,经常以社区(community),激进(radical),前进的(progressive),有时亦以地下的(underground)媒介/报纸,与替代性媒介相互使用;以「小众」这样的字眼指涉「替代性」,是台湾才有的形态(敦诚,1991).

2. 渐进:肥胖症(obesity)是一种慢性(chronic)、渐进(progressive)且会再发的疾病. 源自於肥胖造成的并发症非常多,包括糖尿病、心血管疾病、高血压、呼吸功能障碍、胆结石与脂肪肝、内分泌系统失调、癌症等,而这些疾病大多能因适度减重(减少原来体重的5-10﹪)而减少并发症的危险.

3. 渐进式:一般来说,有2个选项,你可以用来从自己的服务器上发布视频: 使用streaming方式或渐进式(progressive)视频下载方式:渐进式(Progressive)下载场景

progressive 词典解释

1. progressive的翻译

1. 进步的;先进的;革新的
    Someone who is progressive or has progressive ideas has modern ideas about how things should be done, rather than traditional ones.

    e.g. ...a progressive businessman who had voted for Roosevelt in 1932 and 1936...
    e.g. Willan was able to point to the progressive changes he had already introduced...

2. (变化等)逐渐的,逐步发生的,逐步发展的
    A progressive change happens gradually over a period of time.

    e.g. One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.
    e.g. ...the progressive development of a common foreign and security policy.

Her symptoms became progressively worse...
The amount of grant the council received from the Government was progressively reduced.

3. (语法中)同continuous
    In grammar, progressive means the same as continuous.

progressive 单语例句

1. Lam briefed the Legislative Council Panel on Development on Thursday about the strategy of " categorization and prioritization for progressive law enforcement ".

2. Progressive civic groups are planning to hold a rally in central Seoul next Wednesday to protest the government inaction.

3. If you believe the US as an open and progressive society based on these facts, you are looking at just one side of the coin.

4. Direct taxation is more effective in adjusting income differences and introducing a progressive tax system would be a major step toward more equitable development.

5. progressive的意思

5. It calls for the progressive transfer of authority to Iraq's interim administration.

6. It took the whole of last year to complete a report that contained many progressive ideas.

7. He worked for the Florida comptroller and then Progressive Insurance before joining Castle Point in 2005.

8. BEIJING - China will steadily introduce a progressive pricing scheme for water use before 2015, according to a latest government water conservancy plan.

9. progressive的近义词

9. He said he believes the constitutional reform plans proposed by the government already are progressive.

10. On the progressive charge rates, he said a standard rate is simple and involves a small cost of implementation.

progressive 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

    Synonym: liberal liberalist

2. progressive的解释

2. a tense of verbs used in describing action that is on-going

    Synonym: progressive tense imperfect imperfect tense continuous tense


1. advancing in severity

    e.g. progressive paralysis

2. favoring or promoting reform (often by government action)

    Synonym: reformist reform-minded

3. (of a card game or a dance) involving a series of sections for which the participants successively change place or relative position

    e.g. progressive euchre
           progressive tournaments


4. favoring or promoting progress

    e.g. progressive schools

5. (of taxes) adjusted so that the rate increases as the amount of income increases

6. progressive的翻译

6. gradually advancing in extent
