profit rate

profit rate[ˈprɑfɪt reit] 

profit rate 基本解释
profit rate 网络解释

1. 利润率:利润率(profit rate) 在经济学和金融学领域,利润率是资本主义企业,或资本主义经济 作为一个整体的投资项目的相对收益. 类似投资回报率的概念.

2. 收益率:生产性:Profit-seeking | 收益率:Profit Rate | 贡献率:profit portion

profit rate 单语例句


1. One aims to profit from interest rate gaps or currency appreciation, while the other bets on higher profit from the capital market.


2. The central government cracked down on this in 2002 after some local governments found the actual profit rate was much lower than the fixed rate.

3. The banking sector suffered heavy losses today as profit margins of large commercial banks were squeezed by the lower lending rate.

4. profit rate

4. Country Garden has reported 300 percent compound annual net profit growth rate over the last three years.

5. Companies allowed to operate there will enjoy a 15 percent preferential corporate profit tax rate, and workers will be exempted from individual income tax.

6. profit rate的近义词

6. Chinese exports'thin profit margins will be " easily eroded " by any sudden exchange rate fluctuations.

7. If the exchange rate remains unchanged, we can still profit from gaps between different countries'interest rates and economic expansion.

8. profit rate的近义词

8. The bank also cited a lower tax rate as a reason for the profit growth in a statement to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

9. profit rate

9. Such moves will actually lift ABC's interest rate spread and its profit margin.

10. Morgan Stanley also predicted the company's annual rate of profit growth will remain at 30 percent in the coming years.
