
professional [prəˈfeʃənl]  [prəˈfɛʃənəl] 


professional 基本解释

形容词专业的; 职业的; 专业性的


professional 同义词

形容词occupational vocational

professional 反义词

名词amateur dilettante

professional 相关例句



1. For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard.

2. A lawyer is a professional man.

professional 情景对话


B:How do you rate yourself as a professional
      你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢 ?

A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent./With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well.
      凭借我 良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。/依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。

professional 网络解释


1. 职业运动员:首先应明确区分职业运动员(professional)和业余运动员(amateur)的概念. 两者都源于拉丁语,amateur源于amator,即一个爱好者,完全由于喜爱而从事某种工作,与金钱无关;professional来源proficio,意思是取得进步或获得某些优势,

professional 词典解释

1. 职业的;专业的
    Professional means relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training.

    e.g. His professional career started at Liverpool University.

...a professionally-qualified architect...
The opening months of 1987 were difficult, personally and professionally.

2. (人)职业的,专业的
    Professional people have jobs that require advanced education or training.

    e.g. ...highly qualified professional people like doctors and engineers.

3. professional是什么意思

3. 专门从事的;非业余的
    You use professional to describe people who do a particular thing to earn money rather than as a hobby.

    e.g. This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a professional footballer...
    e.g. Jack Nicklaus has played in every Major Championship since he turned professional in 1961.

By age 16 he was playing professionally with bands in Greenwich Village.

4. (运动)职业性质的
    Professional sports are played for money rather than as a hobby.

    e.g. art student who had played professional football for a short time.

5. 专业的;内行的;高水平的
    If you say that something that someone does or produces is professional, you approve of it because you think that it is of a very high standard.

    e.g. They run it with a truly professional but personal touch.

These tickets have been produced very professionally.

6. see also: semi-professional

professional 单语例句

1. English is widely used in the Government and by the legal, professional and business sectors.

2. She stressed the new exam would still be a language proficiency test, not a professional business exam.

3. Rotary International is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian services and encourages high ethical standards in vocations.

4. There would be one each for professional accountants in public practice and professional accountants in business.

5. The business sector worries that universal suffrage will lead to welfarism and populism, while the professional sector worries that they may lose their representation in LegCo.


6. CYTS International Business Companies provides professional travel management services for domestic enterprises and institutions, has contracted services for business travel for more than 200 clients.

7. professional什么意思

7. " I've done well by professional standards, " he said.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The referees and judges have maintained their professional integrity by a high standard.

9. A senior health professional said many surgeons are giving patients stents - tubes used to bypass blockages - that they do not need.

10. professional

10. Feng Shanshan is probably the only Chinese professional golfer with a foreign caddie, and he appears to have played a major role in her successful 2012 season.

professional 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an authority qualified to teach apprentices

    Synonym: master

2. a person engaged in one of the learned professions

    Synonym: professional person


3. an athlete who plays for pay

    Synonym: pro


1. engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood

    e.g. the professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications
           began her professional career after the Olympics
           professional theater
           professional football
           a professional cook
           professional actors and athletes

2. characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession

    e.g. professional conduct
           professional ethics
           a thoroughly professional performance

3. engaged in by members of a profession

    e.g. professional occupations include medicine and the law and teaching

4. of or relating to a profession

    e.g. we need professional advice
           professional training
           professional equipment for his new office

5. of or relating to or suitable as a profession

    e.g. professional organizations
           a professional field such as law
