1. 教授:这门课没有课本,教授(Prof)在黑板上写笔记(我想十几年来,他拿着的备课本都没怎么改动过),我们抄. 大家都要用规定买的笔记本,因为它们是我们平时小测,期末考试的救命稻草(我们可以带着这本十分珍贵的笔记本进考场).
2. 显示配置文件数据:pwait,pfree,ptime--proc工具 | prof--显示配置文件数据 | prs,sccs-prs--显示SCCS文件中的修改表信息
3. 大学教授:prof 教授 | prof. 大学教授 | profanatory 亵渎的
4. 显示设置文件数据:pwait,pfree,ptime--proc工具 | prof--显示设置文件数据 | prs,sccs-prs--显示SCCS文件中的修改表信息
1. " But it's contrary to the nature of university education, " said Prof Chen.
2. Prof Wang said regulation with explicit and detailed provisions will play a big role in containing and preventing corruption.
3. Prof在线翻译
3. Dr Pask and Prof Short have discovered that by applying oestrogen to the vulnerable inner foreskin they can boost the body's natural defences against HIV.
4. Prof
4. But that doesn't mean I share Prof McKinnon's general fondness for fixed exchange rates.
5. Prof的翻译
5. Prof Ding suggested that China should step up its building of an early alarm system for food production.
6. Prof Evans suggested it may have something to do with how Asians are brought up.
7. Prof Pang Zhongying at Renmin University of China said " joining other fleets in the Somali waters will contribute to international security ".
8. Prof Lam supports increased tobacco duty to an extent the high cigarette prices becomes a motivation for the smokers to quit smoking.
9. Prof的翻译
9. Prof Kao's becoming a Nobel Laureate was an honor for Hong Kong and the people here took pride in it.
10. Prof
10. Prof Blackburn gave a lecture at the Monash University in Melbourne tonight.