
proceedings [prə'si:dɪŋz]  [prə'si:dɪŋz] 


proceedings 基本解释

名词诉讼; 诉讼; 事项; 行径; 事件; 进程( proceeding的名词复数 ); 行动; 会议记录

proceedings 网络解释

1. 诉讼:最为至关重要的乃是人民应当受到法律的统治,正义或司法只有通过对弊政(mal-administration)负有说明责任来加以实现;据此我们进一步宣告,任何涉及本国每个自由人的生命、自由和财产的诉讼(proceedings),都应当依本国的法律进行裁定,

2. 会议录:81.到1951年3月,默顿同他以前的学生伯纳德.巴伯合作编出的这个书目,由弗兰克 把它安排在美国文理科学院的<<会议录>>(Proceedings)第80 卷1952年5月号上发表 ,我感谢默顿教授让我得到通信的复印件.

3. 论文集:收录的会议论文一般会有论文集的,论文集(proceedings)的文章也许部分或全部出版在某个期刊,看这个期刊是否会被SCI或EI收录就行,有的论文集直接被SCI或EI收录.

proceedings 单语例句

1. The High Court hears civil cases including divorce, custody proceedings and business law.


2. Opposition deputies brought proceedings to a halt inside the Ukrainian parliament on Thursday, when they staged an action against the bill about the basics of the language policy.


3. Protesters in Thailand launched impeachment proceedings against the government yesterday for allegedly losing disputed territory to neighboring Cambodia.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The proceedings will be used to replenish the operation capital to boost business growth, according to the statement.

5. This was also the first time a torch relay took place, adding ceremonial flair to the proceedings.

6. This result will likely give manufacturers of downstream products more comfort and certainty regarding ITC proceedings.

7. Hong Meng reportedly refused to change the record according to the suggestions of the lawyer, who later refused to sign the document after the proceedings.

8. proceedings是什么意思

8. Iraq sacked the controversial chief judge in the genocide trial of Saddam Hussein, dealing another blow to the legal proceedings against the ousted president.

9. Estoppel is applied to both other proceedings before the USPTO and in civil action.

10. proceedings

10. The lawmakers are also expected to ratify a treaty on judicial assistance in civil and commercial proceedings between China and the Republic of Korea.

proceedings 英英释义



1. (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked

    Synonym: proceeding legal proceeding

2. proceedings的近义词

2. a written account of what transpired at a meeting

    Synonym: minutes transactions
