
proceeding [prəˈsi:dɪŋ]  [proˈsidɪŋ, prə-] 


proceeding 基本解释


名词诉讼; 进行,进程; 行动; 会议记录

动词进行( proceed的现在分词); 前进; (沿特定路线)行进; (尤指打断后)继续说

proceeding 相关例句



1. The proceedings were published in the newspaper.

proceeding 网络解释


1. 会刊:他当场将这个公式写在黑板上,后来登在那次会议的会刊(proceeding). 他没有说明如何完成这个极为困难的计算. 另一个评论是关於液态氦的性质,当时没有人了解他说些什麼. 几年后,费因曼(Feynman)的液态氦理论发表了,

2. 进行:在诉讼中,与以法官心证为核心的实体合成相对应,由诉讼行为所构成的关于诉讼进行(proceeding)的作用机制称为程序合成. 程序合成物能够成为实体合成的基础和催化因素. 特别是考虑到程序法的修改影响与实体法不同,

3. 诉讼程序:则在为了确定该人是否作为该注册有限责任合伙合伙人承担责任时,列明该人的申请无论是在民事的、刑事的、行政的还是调查程序中中,均不得作为任何诉讼(action)、控诉(suit)或诉讼程序(proceeding)的证据.

proceeding 词典解释

1. 诉讼
    Legal proceedings are legal action taken against someone.

    e.g. ...criminal proceedings against the former prime minister...
    e.g. The Council had brought proceedings to stop the store from trading on Sundays.

2. (有组织的一系列)活动,事件,行动
    The proceedings are an organized series of events that take place in a particular place.

    e.g. The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private...
    e.g. He viewed the proceedings with doubt and alarm.

3. proceeding什么意思

3. (会议)记录
    You can refer to a written record of the discussions at a meeting or conference as the proceedings.

    e.g. The Department of Transport is to publish the conference proceedings.

proceeding 单语例句

1. The proceeding to solicit public opinions will end by the end of this month.

2. For those who want to follow in his steps, he suggests proceeding with caution - minding dangers on the road and potential disease outbreaks.

3. However, her civil lawsuit against the married father of one has been proceeding.

4. Long said he and other workers had a feeling that construction was proceeding too quickly, especially when they dismantled all the scaffolding before the concrete had completely dried.

5. proceeding

5. Prosecutor Gregory Crittenden said the case cannot be treated as a typical criminal court proceeding.

6. It will be the last court proceeding until October, when a verdict is expected.

7. proceeding

7. " I am very disappointed because the date of the verdict is much earlier than expected, " Anwar said at the court lobby after the proceeding.

8. proceeding的意思

8. The trial in Chongqing's No 5 Intermediate People's Court was the fourth such proceeding to start since Monday.

9. proceeding的近义词

9. Lunn also rejected applications from counsels representing the ferry companies and crew members of both vessels to defer the proceeding to early January.

10. Although deregulation of the insurance market is proceeding as planned, the regulatory authority is seen as being too cautious in lifting investment controls.

proceeding 英英释义


1. (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked

    Synonym: legal proceeding proceedings
