private property

private property [ˈpraivit ˈprɔpəti]  [ˈpraɪvɪt ˈprɑpəti] 

private property 基本解释

私有财产,私有制; 私产

private property 网络解释


1. 私人财产:离婚后的财产是你的私人财产(private property). 但你如果在加州或其他几个为夫妻共有财产州(community property)居民,你再婚后通过工作等所得到的财产则为新婚夫妇的共有财产. 你仍可以自由支配你结婚时带入的私有财产和再婚后属于你的那一半共有财产,

2. 私有财产:它以(私有财产)(private property)为既定的前提,从未批判这个前提,更没有否定这个前提,它在(市民社会)(civil society)和(政治解放)(political emancipation)的范围内来形式地建构自由、平等等(法权体系)(syste...

3. 私人财产权:社会转型的重要标志有许多,一方面,出现了以前没有但现在却具有关键意义的因素:私人财产权(private property)、债务(debt)、城邦(polis另一方面,许多在战场上骁勇善战的勇士变成了商人(Warriors into Traders).

4. 私人物业;私人产业:private practice surveyor 私人执业测量师 | private property 私人物业;私人产业 | private property management agent 私人物业管理公司

private property 单语例句

1. The state protects by law the right of citizens to inherit private property.

2. Russia's likely next president Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday that freedom, private property and an independent judiciary would be the central planks of his administration.

3. private property的近义词

3. However, the change of the Constitution in itself reflects the nation's increasing respect for private property.

4. private property的解释

4. Although it is based on private property and market rules, it builds on consensus and collective solidarity rather than competition and individual charity.

5. private property的反义词

5. Wang has been a drug user since 2001 and since then has lost two businesses and all of his private property to his addiction.

6. The draft law on property rights was also believed to be another critical legislative step to protect citizen's private assets.

7. Three years ago China added a clause to its constitution saying that private property was " not to be encroached upon ".

8. It was made very clear at the session that we would formulate legislation protecting private property.

9. China's top legislature closed its annual session Sunday after endorsing landmark amendments to the Constitution, which highlight the protection of private property and enshrines human rights.

10. private property的解释

10. The report was produced by the Policy Research Center and Go High Capital, a private equity firm focused on commercial property.

private property 英英释义


1. private property的翻译

1. movable property (as distinguished from real estate)

    Synonym: personal property personal estate personalty
