
privacy [ˈprɪvəsi]  [ˈpraɪvəsi] 


privacy 基本解释


名词隐私,秘密; 隐居; 私事; 不受公众干扰的状态

privacy 相关词组

1. in strict privacy : 完全私下地;

privacy 相关例句



1. In such matters, privacy is impossible.

2. I felt I needed privacy.

3. I tell you this in strict privacy.

privacy 网络解释


1. 私密性:私密性(privacy)的定义就是每个人对关于他的那种信息可以以哪种方式与他人交流的权利. 它在空间行为的解释上就是某种程度的控制交流. 人们出于私密性的要求,会人为地控制一个十分接近的区域来保证某种程度的个人与外界的隔绝.

2. 保密:微软是该协议最大的签约公司,它的加盟能够增加自我约束措施的必要的可信度,这不仅为两个市场间合理合法地传输数据提供了框架,还能保证美国公司享受到欧洲严格的保密(privacy)法规的保护.

privacy 词典解释

1. 隐私;独处;清静
    If you have privacy, you are in a place or situation which allows you to do things without other people seeing you or disturbing you.

    e.g. He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy...
    e.g. Thatched pavilions provide shady retreats for relaxing and reading in privacy.

2. privacy

2. 干扰…的生活;侵犯…的隐私
    If someone or something invades your privacy, they interfere in your life without your permission.

    e.g. The press invade people's privacy unjustifiably every day.

privacy 单语例句

1. privacy的近义词

1. By contrast, in Britain it is left to judges to decide what the " right to privacy " means.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The right to privacy cannot override the law, nor can it take precedence over the greater interests of society.

3. privacy

3. But we Chinese must cast off our bad habits that cause inconvenience to other people or infringe upon their privacy.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Prosecutors told the court that arguments on the rape charge against Wen would be closed to the public in order to protect the victim's privacy.

5. He lent the chateau to Prince William and Kate, because it was secluded and they could relax in privacy.

6. Nonetheless he conceded that the regulation in Chongqing signifies major progress in terms of laws for child privacy protection.

7. Chow said that the city government understands data privacy and system security are of paramount importance to the development of the sharing system.

8. Several clinics had refused to take him, fearing he would resist treatment and the media circus would deny privacy to other patients.


9. Some say Article 101 of our Civil Code has covered our right to privacy.

10. Personal reputation and privacy is protected under the general provisions of the civil law in China.

privacy 英英释义



1. the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others

    Synonym: privateness seclusion

2. the condition of being concealed or hidden

    Synonym: privateness secrecy concealment
