形容词拘谨的; 谨小慎微的; 过分讲究的; 刻板的
1. 谨小慎微:prissy 谨小慎微 | pristine 质朴的 | prithee 请
2. 谨小慎微的:prissy 为小事挂虑的 | prissy 谨小慎微的 | prissysqueamish 神经质的
3. 为小事挂虑的:prisonterm 刑期 | prissy 为小事挂虑的 | prissy 谨小慎微的
4. 不知是:感情太shaky | 不知是prissy | 还是太snooty
1. 大惊小怪的;一本正经的;谨小慎微的
If you say that someone is prissy, you are critical of them because they are very easily shocked by anything rude or bad.
e.g. I grew to dislike the people from my background — they were rather uptight and prissy.
1. excessively fastidious and easily disgusted
e.g. too nice about his food to take to camp cooking
so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow
Synonym: dainty nice overnice squeamish
2. prissy的意思
2. exaggeratedly proper
e.g. my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts
Synonym: priggish prim prudish puritanical square-toed straitlaced strait-laced straightlaced straight-laced tight-laced victorian