
prisoner [ˈprɪznə(r)]  [ˈprɪzənɚ, ˈprɪznɚ] 


prisoner 基本解释

名词囚犯; 犯人; 俘虏; 刑事被告

prisoner 相关例句


1. The prisoners planned to escape but failed.

2. We might get taken prisoner by the enemy.

3. My work kept me a prisoner all summer.

4. He made her hand a prisoner.

prisoner 网络解释


1. 囚徒:据报道,谢尔颇为把旱冰迪斯科歌曲<<纵情滚动>>(HeD Wheels)添加到她的1979年迪斯科专辑<<囚徒>>(Prisoner)里而感到高兴. 由于旱冰场不提供烈性酒服务,它吸引青少年,甚至还吸引整个家庭一起来这儿热闹. 旱冰迪厅不仅票价比标准迪厅低,

2. 犯人:比如,霍奇与特里普的成果表明,学生在看肥皂剧<<犯人>>(Prisoner)时,把自己在学校中的地位与剧中犯人的地位相联系而建立了相关性,即学生与犯人都是这样的人:社会对他们的期望与他们自己对自己的期望之间不相吻合.

3. 囚:有钱能使鬼推磨;钱不是万能的,没有钱是万万不能的;日剧新番<<囚>>(Prisoner)充分向我们展示了这一简单而又现实的道理. 在拜金主义的SOLO大叔看来,金钱除了做不到违反自然规律的事情之外,可以换取自己想要的一切......

prisoner 词典解释

1. prisoner的解释

1. 囚犯;犯人
    A prisoner is a person who is kept in a prison as a punishment for a crime that they have committed.

    e.g. The committee is concerned about the large number of prisoners sharing cells.

2. 俘虏;战俘
    A prisoner is a person who has been captured by an enemy, for example in war.

    e.g. ...wartime hostages and concentration-camp prisoners...
    e.g. He was held prisoner in Vietnam from 1966 to 1973...

3. 为…所困的人;陷于…不能摆脱的人
    If you say that you are a prisoner of a situation, you mean that your are trapped by it.

    e.g. We are all prisoners of our childhood and feel an obligation to it...
    e.g. She was a prisoner of her own ego.

prisoner 单语例句

1. Among her other films were the Eddie Cantor comedy " Roman Scandals, " John Ford's " The Prisoner of Shark Island " and a string of dramas.

2. The crew gave back their prisoner but the pirates reneged on the plan and are continuing to hold Phillips captive.

3. Cellophane is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over him.

4. prisoner

4. Proponents of the legislation say such appeals add up to 15 years to the process of executing a prisoner.

5. News reports and the civil liberties group Liberty have claimed that 200 or more prisoner flights may have passed through British airports.

6. prisoner的反义词

6. Holder reportedly reacted with disgust when he first read accounts of prisoner abuse earlier this year in a classified version of the IG report.

7. Rumsfeld said the United States has not yet decided whether to classify Saddam as a prisoner of war.

8. Many inmates must share their cells with another prisoner, but it was not immediately clear Thursday whether Madoff would have a cellmate.

9. A fourth prisoner died after suffering fatal injuries after he was impaled on a metal spike when he attempted to climb the fence.

10. The prisoner issue is a thorny one that has come close to frustrating Qatari efforts.

prisoner 英英释义



1. a person who is confined
    especially a prisoner of war

    Synonym: captive
