priming coat

priming coat [ˈpraimiŋ kəut]  [ˈpraɪmɪŋ kot] 

priming coat 基本解释

打底层; 底层漆; 底面涂层; 油漆打底层

priming coat 网络解释

1. 底涂层:(4)底涂层(Priming coat) 在底材上涂底漆所形成的徐层. (5)中间涂层(Intermediate coat) 介于底涂层与面涂层之间的涂层. (7)湿膜(Film) 液态涂料施工到被涂物件表固后形成的可流动的液态薄层. (11)色漆配套体系(Paint system) 欲涂或已涂于底材上的整套色漆涂层.

2. 底漆:priming coat paint 底漆 | priming coat 底漆 | priming device 起动装置

3. 底涂:primidone 普里米酮 | priming coat 底涂 | priming paint 底层涂料

4. 底漆层:解插绳锥{小号} pricker | 底漆层 priming coat | 适当之瞭望 proper lookout

priming coat 双语例句

1. A priming coat of paint or varnish used in artistic painting.

2. By the plastering experiment to the two type light weight wall surface, which using four different type mortar according to different moist degree and different interval time of plastering between coat surface and priming-coat surface, the suitable mortar type and construction technique are got.

priming coat 英英释义


1. the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface

    Synonym: flat coat ground primer priming primer coat undercoat
