
pride [praɪd]  [praɪd] 







pride 基本解释

名词骄傲; 自尊; 自满; (狮)群

及物动词以…而自豪, 得意于…


pride 同义词

名词self-respect egotism self-esteem vanity dignity

pride 反义词


pride 相关词组

1. be puffed up with pride : 妄自尊大;

pride 相关例句



1. He prides himself on his tailoring.


1. She showed us her new home with great pride.

2. He died in the pride of his life.

3. This part is the pride of his speech.

4. His pride was cut to the quick.

pride 网络解释

1. 普莱特:东风悦达起亚-普莱特 - 普莱特(pride)三厢 信息编号:218型号: 普莱特(pride)三厢 落户日期: 2002年10月

2. 普莱德:现在,终极格斗竞赛组织(UFC)和日本的普莱德(PRIDE)机构举办着两个最大型的国际性无限制格斗比赛. 比赛允许世界各个国家的选手参赛. 同时,这两个组织也是世界上最著名的无限制格斗机构,并且得到了国际武术界的广泛认同.

pride 词典解释

1. 自豪;得意
    Pride is a feeling of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good.

    e.g. ...the sense of pride in a job well done...
    e.g. We take pride in offering you the highest standards...

2. 尊严;自尊;自尊心
    Pride is a sense of the respect that other people have for you, and that you have for yourself.

    e.g. Davis had to salvage his pride...
    e.g. It was a severe blow to Kendall's pride.

3. 骄傲;傲慢
    Someone's pride is the feeling that they have that they are better or more important than other people.

    e.g. His pride may still be his downfall.

4. 为…感到自豪;对…感到得意
    If you pride yourself on a quality or skill that you have, you are very proud of it.

    e.g. Smith prides himself on being able to organise his own life...
    e.g. Doyle prides himself on his accuracy.

5. (狮)群
    A pride of lions is a group of lions that live together.

6. 引以为豪的人(或事物)
    Someone or something that is your pride and joy is very important to you and makes you feel very happy.

    e.g. The bike soon became his pride and joy.

7. 首要地位;最重要的地位
    If something takes pride of place, it is treated as the most important thing in a group of things.

    e.g. A three-foot-high silver World Championship cup takes pride of place near a carved wooden chair...
    e.g. The manifesto gives pride of place to job creation.

8. pride在线翻译

8. 放下自尊;忍气吞声;放下架子
    If you swallow your pride, you decide to do something even though you think it will cause you to lose some respect.

    e.g. No doubt his old mother would now swallow her pride and go and live with Gladys.

pride 单语例句

1. He did not hide his pride for this particular dance piece which was inspired by Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring.

2. But the days of northeastern pride can now be found only in nostalgia for a bygone age.

3. The video captured the battle between a herd of water buffaloes, a pride of lions and a crocodile over a young calf.

4. Hong Kong should take great pride in its active and unique role in this process.

5. pride

5. Henry arrived in Spain on Sunday and spoke of his pride at joining the Catalan club.

6. A sculpture designed on the basis of the Olympic rings would occupy the pride of place outside Hong Kong Stadium in Causeway Bay.

7. " We take pride in the fact that we can go out and get outs, " Chamberlain said.

8. Champagne has asked the federation officials to put their personal disagreements and pride behind them and place the interest of football above themselves.

9. Two Nobel prizes awarded last month to Germans - a physicist and a chemist - has revived pride in the country's scientific heritage.

10. GUANGZHOU - A chow chow couple walks by, the brown groom glowing with pride as he crosses the lawn.

pride 英英释义



1. pride在线翻译

1. unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins)

    Synonym: superbia

2. the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards

3. pride什么意思

3. a feeling of self-respect and personal worth

    Synonym: pridefulness

4. pride的意思

4. satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements

    e.g. he takes pride in his son's success

5. a group of lions


1. pride的反义词

1. be proud of

    e.g. He prides himself on making it into law school

    Synonym: plume congratulate
