
prevalence ['prevələns]  [ˈprɛvələns] 

prevalence 基本解释


名词流行; 盛行; 普遍; (疾病等的)流行程度

prevalence 网络解释


1. 流行:疾病流行(Prevalence)简单地讲是在在感兴趣人群中发生疾病的频率测量. 一个特定的疾病在普通人群中发生的频率可能只是5% ,但是在特殊的、有选择的人群中会是较高流行. 例如,黑肺(black- lung)在普通人群中有很低的流行,

2. 患病率:我们的研究旨在明确伊斯坦布尔市小学生打鼾的患病率,并对可能与睡眠问题相关的白天症状作出评估. 关键词 儿童 (children 多动 (hyperactivity 被动吸烟 (passive smoke exposure 患病率 (prevalence 打鼾 (snoring)

3. 流行率:若依精神科医师诊疗过的病人来做推估,点盛行率(point prevalence)只有0.05%至1%. 也有的学者认为,...流行率(prevalence)是一个比例...点流行率(point prevalence):指特定的...时间点的流行率

4. 盛行率:(即使不是有没有超过消费上限那麼黑白分明,而要牵涉个人判断,那里的理论考虑仍不会建基於实践考虑的. )因为抗病毒药物的发展,盛行率(Prevalence)上升是必然的现像,盛行率上升必定引致感染率上升,这也是基本原则和演绎,不是诠释.

prevalence 单语例句

1. She said the project will help determine how policies affect the prevalence of the disease and help calculate costs of treatment programmes.

2. prevalence

2. Joint efforts are needed to call a halt to the prevalence of gambling in rural areas.

3. The plan aims to cap the adult obesity rate within 12 percent and set up major cancer treatment projects in high prevalence areas.

4. prevalence

4. " The high prevalence of obesity in this case series is striking, " the CDC's commentary accompanying the report reads.

5. With the growing prevalence of information and communication technology, financial markets worldwide are increasingly integrated.

6. Experts said the high abortion rate is due to the growing prevalence of premarital sex and a lack of contraceptive understanding.

7. prevalence的解释

7. The model relied on " cost of illness " data and disease prevalence in the Netherlands in 2003.

8. Its prevalence rose rapidly last year, threatening a crop that is a staple foodstuff for many people round the world.

9. The profit chain of paid post deletion has exposed the existence and prevalence of Internet corruption.

10. prevalence

10. However experts have said there is no direct relation between dry weather and the prevalence of flu.

prevalence 英英释义


1. the quality of prevailing generally
    being widespread

    e.g. he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future

2. prevalence什么意思

2. a superiority in numbers or amount

    e.g. a preponderance of evidence against the defendant

    Synonym: preponderance

3. (epidemiology) the ratio (for a given time period) of the number of occurrences of a disease or event to the number of units at risk in the population
