
pretext [ˈpri:tekst]  [ˈpriˌtɛkst] 


pretext 基本解释

名词借口,托辞; 假象,掩饰


pretext 相关词组

1. find a pretext for : 为...找借口;

2. on some pretext or other : 用某种借口;

pretext 相关例句



1. John left early under the pretext of illness.

2. He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to school.

3. He used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school.

4. The little boy tried very hard to find a pretext for not doing his homework.

pretext 网络解释


1. 借口:Hansmann和Kraakman本来所谓的有助于往股东模式趋同的一体化的推动力实际上是相对遥远的一件事情,即前提在于股东导向模式主导欧罗巴后,以一体化作为借口(pretext)在各国内扫清最后的抵抗者.

2. 藉口:pretentious 矫饰,傲慢的 | pretext 藉口 | prevail 盛行,流行,占优势

3. 藉口、托词:nothing more than 只不过、只是(意同only) | pretext 藉口、托词 | lead to 导致、造成

4. 借口,托辞:prestige 威信,威望 | pretext 借口,托辞 | prey 猎物

pretext 词典解释

1. 借口;托词
    A pretext is a reason which you pretend has caused you to do something.

    e.g. They wanted a pretext for subduing the region by force...
    e.g. He excused himself on the pretext of a stomach upset...

pretext 单语例句

1. Japan accused Chinese agent provocateurs of the act and used it as the pretext for the invasion of Northeast China.

2. The owner managed to call the police and keep the thief waiting on the pretext of showing him a better quality stone.

3. But a lot of cases of officials taking free holidays abroad on the pretext of undergoing advanced training have come to light.

4. In some cases, public interests become a pretext for local governments to develop commercial projects.

5. Hu criticized some companies for disobeying the official minimum wage criterion and depriving the workers of their dues on some pretext or the other.

6. Forcible destroyers usually demolish old houses under the pretext of " protecting public interest ", which makes the authorities hesitant in punishing the violators.

7. But Hill questioned just how seriously North Korea wanted to talk about disarmament, saying the financial dispute was a pretext to avoid the real issue at hand.

8. These documents raise concerns that the US will give itself new pretext to resort to different means of intervention against other states'sovereignty.

9. The agenda said the SARA will strengthen regulation of foreign nationals'group religious activities in China and resist foreign infiltration under the pretext of religion.

10. It's on the pretext of pragmatism that enterprises deny them their rightful dues.

pretext 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an artful or simulated semblance

    e.g. under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

    Synonym: guise pretense pretence

2. something serving to conceal plans
    a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason

    Synonym: stalking-horse
