press release

press release[pres riˈli:s] 

第三人称复数:press releases

press release 基本解释


press release 网络解释

1. 新闻(发布) 稿:谈提供新闻发布稿的八大注意事项 新闻发布稿(Press Release)在西方社会中,广为企业在进行自我形象宣传、产品介绍、推荐新产品、新技术中使用. 实际上,它是极为常见的广告宣传手法,由公司供稿向重点新闻媒体发布而成,常能不费一分一毫达到巨大的广造效应.

2. 新闻发布:4.潜在的买家或被许可人通过询问功能、宣传邮件(pash mail)、新闻发布(press release)以及搜索引擎等功能逐渐了解该技术. 同时,拍卖推进人(auction facilitators)对询问作出评估,对竞标人进行预授权.

3. 新闻公告:通常披露信息的方式是发布新闻公告(press release)和向SEC提交Form 8-K 格式报告,或者两种方式兼而用之. 例如安然公司(Enron)于2001年11月8日向美国证交会提交Form 8-K,宣布由于隐藏债务和虚增利润等问题,准备重新表述1997~2000年度的财务报告.

press release 词典解释

1. (向媒体发布的)新闻稿
    A press release is a written statement about a matter of public interest which is given to the press by an organization concerned with the matter.

    e.g. The government had put out a press release naming the men.

press release 单语例句

1. press release在线翻译

1. A number of officials were censured and some now face criminal charges, said the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee in a press release.

2. press release什么意思

2. The US Chamber of Commerce in China said in a press release last week that China is " substantively in compliance " with its WTO commitments.

3. Hutchison doesn't have anything to add to Husky's press release, said spokeswoman Laura Cheung in Hong Kong.

4. The selection of these media outlets was partly based on circulation, says a press release by the four organizations that compiled the list.

5. A preliminary investigation indicated they were poisoned by toxic gas, the city government of Xiantao said in a press release Tuesday.

6. Rescuer workers were still combing the debris for the two missing workers, the Urumqi city publicity department said in a press release.

7. press release

7. " It is also one of our efforts to come into line with international practice, " the commission said in a press release.

8. The brief press release said the judgment " confirms we are fully compliant with the Employment Ordinance ".

9. They have received administrative and discipline punishment and some even faced criminal charges, said the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee in a press release.

10. " Such comments do not conform with facts and are irresponsible and driven by ulterior motives, " ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in a press release yesterday.

press release 英英释义



1. press release的意思

1. an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation

    Synonym: handout release
