press clipping

press clipping [pres ˈklɪpɪŋ]  [prɛs ˈklɪpɪŋ] 

press clipping 基本解释
press clipping 网络解释

1. 剪报:press box 新闻记者席 | press clipping 剪报 | press conference 记者招待会

press clipping 双语例句

1. I only may send you a lot of thanks, press clipping and photos of the exhibition.

2. While our service provides the most thorough and accurate press clipping of online content available, the complete WebClipping. com service involves significantly more than just collecting press clippings.

press clipping的翻译

3. By using our tailor-made News Monitor and Press Clipping Services, you can save valuable time which you might otherwise spend ploughing through piles of newspapers and magazines to look for the information you require.

4. The features of electrical control and automation system of clipping press es are described in the article, including electrical device selection, electrical circuit design, C200H series PLCs and GP477 touch screen.

press clipping

5. Pls find attached major press clipping as per your request.

press clipping 英英释义



1. an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine

    e.g. he searched through piles of letters and clippings

    Synonym: clipping newspaper clipping cutting press cutting
