
presidium [prɪ'sɪdɪəm]  [prɪ'sɪdɪrm] 

第三人称复数:presidiums; presidia

presidium 基本解释



presidium 网络解释


1. 主席团:(一) 通国新修订主席团(Presidium)成员之选举办法. 七、 亚洲体育运动舞蹈总会(ADSF)执行委员会议重要决议事项:(二) IDSF活动系以欧洲为中心,其重要国际竞赛活动(世界锦标赛及各站排名巡回赛)大都於欧洲境内各国举办,

2. 团:(一) 通国新修订主席团(Presidium)成员之选举办法. 七、 亚洲体育运动舞蹈总会(ADSF)执行委员会议重要决议事项:(二) IDSF活动系以欧洲为中心,其重要国际竞赛活动(世界锦标赛及各站排名巡回赛)大都於欧洲境内各国举办,

3. 主席团,常务委员会:be wary of 提防 | Presidium 主席团,常务委员会 | intersexual 两性间的

4. 共产党国家政府常务委员会:anarchy 无政府状态 | Presidium 共产党国家政府常务委员会 | standard of living 生活水平

presidium 单语例句

1. At the conference, the CAE is to elect its new president and members of the presidium.

2. The NPC presidium will judge by itself or consult its special working committees to decide whether to put the proposals on the agenda.

3. Then the presidium of the people's congress at the county level and above will print and distribute the data to all the representatives to discuss.

4. Wu said NPC deputies submitted 506 motions to the session and the presidium has handed them on to NPC special committees for deliberation.

5. presidium的近义词

5. The presidium meeting also adopted a draft resolution on procedures of election and appointment of the current parliament session.

6. BEIJING - China's national legislators gathered Sunday to elect a presidium and set the agenda for the legislature's annual session to open on Monday.

7. presidium的解释

7. NPC delegates will debate the proposals and the presidium will make the final decision on whether to put the proposals to a vote.

8. The presidium meeting examined and approved a draft agenda for the upcoming session, as well as a draft on personnel issues.

9. A name list of ballot scrutineers was also approved by the presidium, and will be ratified by the congress before the final vote begins.

10. The NPC presidium will decide whether to put the proposals on the agenda of a plenary meeting.

presidium 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. a permanent executive committee in socialist countries that has all the powers of some larger legislative body and that acts for it when it is not in session

    Synonym: praesidium
