
predominance [prɪˈdɒmɪnəns]  [prɪˈdɑ:mɪnəns] 

predominance 基本解释


名词优势; 主导或支配的地位; 运星主宰

predominance 网络解释


1. 优势:加盟优势(Predominance)★中华房产联盟依托中国房产中介市场而建. 中华房产联盟推出的几个站点推出短短几周,日访问量已超千人次,中华房产联盟顺势而上,前景灿烂;★中华房产联盟能为各地方、各房产中介服务公司依托中华房产联盟这一房产中介门户网站进行广泛网络的宣传推广,

2. 优越:predistortion 预失真 | predominance 优越 | predominant displacement mechanism 主要驱替机理

3. 主导地位;显著:predecessor 前任;前人 | predominance 主导地位;显著 | predominate 占主导地位

4. 優位:prednisone acetate ==> 醋酸泼尼松,醋酸强的松 | predominance ==> 優位 | predominant ==> 超优势木,突出的,占优势,支配=>めきんでた

predominance 词典解释

1. predominance的反义词

1. (数量上的)优势
    If there is a predominance of one type of person or thing, there are many more of that type than of any other type.

    e.g. Another interesting note was the predominance of London club players.

2. 主导地位;支配地位
    If someone or something has pre- dominance, they have the most power or importance among a group of people or things.

    e.g. Eventually even their economic predominance was to suffer.

predominance 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The menu reflects the Zhuang ethnic minority's predominance in the province.

2. Central enterprises have been criticized by the public for having taken advantage of their monopoly or market predominance to make excessive profits.

3. Zoellick said Americans should be reminded of the possibility of the dollar losing today's predominance as a global reserve currency.

4. predominance的意思

4. This will reduce the existing predominance of financial services and the energy industry among domestic stocks.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. For Washington, the top priority is maintaining East Asian stability and ensuring its overwhelming predominance.

6. Meanwhile, the United States is trying to maintain its military predominance through a variety of arrangements.

7. predominance

7. The predominance of the right in the future EP calls for some explanation.

predominance 英英释义


1. the quality of being more noticeable than anything else

    e.g. the predomination of blues gave the painting a quiet tone

    Synonym: predomination

2. predominance

2. the state of being predominant over others

    Synonym: predomination prepotency
