名词预定,预言; 天数; 天缘
1. 前定:伊斯兰没有明显谈及这方面的教义,但这里似乎概括地谈及前定 (predestination) 的义理. 在命定论中 (或称宿命论) 有所谓绝对前定和相对前定. 动物的行为模式,固然受制於其本身的构造和组织功能,但亦同时受到外间环境冲击所影响,
2. 宿命:而基督教神学里宿命(Predestination)和自由意志(Free will)之间是有抵触的. 而犹大问题,无论用那种观点来解释,都会引起口水--给犹大翻案,就是在找基督教教义的麻烦.
1. 宿命论;命定说
If you believe in predestination, you believe that people have no control over events because everything has already been decided by a power such as God or fate.
1. (theology) being determined in advance
especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind)
Synonym: foreordination preordination predetermination
2. previous determination as if by destiny or fate