preconceived idea

preconceived idea

preconceived idea 双语例句

1. It is proved that: What the two-slit experiments have refuted is the preconceived idea that probability of the event that a micro particle passing through one slit arrives somewhere on the screen is irrelative to the condition that whether or not the other slit is open.

preconceived idea

2. If you have something in mind, it means that you have an idea or a preconceived notion.

3. Mind, it means that you have an idea or a preconceived notion. And if you

4. When we travel to a foreign country, we carry in our baggage a preconceived idea of people in that country.

5. Look passively and try to receive what the painting has to offer and not bring a subject matter or preconceived idea of what they are to be looking for.

preconceived idea

6. When people view something with a preconceived idea about it, they tend to take those preconceived ideas and see them whether or not they are there.

7. Perhaps it was because I expected that people would judge me for who I was and not based on some preconceived idea about psychics.


8. (of an idea or opinion) formed beforehand; especially without evidence or through prejudice: certain preconceived notions.

preconceived idea的翻译

9. Also it means that you have a preconceived idea about him.

10. According to an old preconceived idea, which has passed into a trivial proposition, it is thought which marks the man off from the animals.

11. In preparation, he reads as much as he can about the person before the sitting, but avoids having a preconceived idea of how he would photograph the subject.

12. Only in this way, will translation facts not be concealed and the conclusion not be replaced by a preconceived idea.
