
precipitately [prɪ'sɪpɪˌteɪtlɪ]  [prɪ'sɪpəˌteɪtlɪ] 

precipitately 基本解释
precipitately 网络解释

1. 猛进地:precipitate 沉淀物 | precipitately 猛进地 | precipitation rain fall 雨量

2. 猛冲地:precipitated 沉淀碳酸钡 | precipitately 猛冲地 | precipitationsedimentationsubsidence 沉淀

3. 猛进地 (副):precipitate 猛抛, 促成, 使陷入; 猛地落下 (动) | precipitately 猛进地 (副) | precipitation 猛然落下; 急躁; 猛冲; 鲁莽 (名)

precipitately 双语例句

1. The number of civil wars continued to rise until about 1990 and then fell precipitately.

2. His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control

3. Hearing of this, Adonijah and his guests, who are banqueting at the time, retire precipitately.

4. His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control.

5. He withdrew precipitately from the race.


6. The writer thinks that, the reform to our auditing system can`t act precipitately. We should take transitional measure currently, in order to avoid the impact and the potential danger which could be caused by a direct transformation probably.

7. Everything can not act precipitately, therewith nature.

8. One is early and precipitately, with an old age of enfeeblement and dependence, sustained primarily by nursing homes and hospitals.


9. They make their inspection in Mr. Krook's back second floor, from which a few of the Jury-men retire pale and precipitately.

10. They make their inspection in Mr. Krook's back second floor, from which a few of the Jurymen retire pale and precipitately.

11. The president has been warned that acting precipitately may lead to a diplomatic row.

12. AAM has said that the divine deadline for Disclosure has passed, but that the spiritual hierarchy and the galactics do not intend to act precipitately or imprudently.

13. By precipitately wielding his veto, Mr Cameron may well have hastened the formation of such a bloc, to the detriment of British interests.


14. As the murderer has made a suicide attept, teh case is being delayed, While packing her belongings to return to Paris, Colettestumbies upan Sabine's photo, which fell out of Antoine's pocket as he precipitately feft Colette's compartment.

precipitately 英英释义



1. precipitately

1. at breakneck speed

    e.g. burst headlong through the gate

    Synonym: headlong
