
precipitate [prɪˈsɪpɪteɪt]  [prɪˈsɪpɪˌtet] 






precipitate 基本解释

及物动词下掷,由高处抛下; 使提前或突然发生; [气象] 使凝结而下降; [化]使沉淀

不及物动词[气象]凝结; [化]沉淀; 倒落,一头栽下

形容词仓促行进的,匆促的; 轻率的,冲动行事的水蒸气,降水; 突然发生的

名词[化]沉淀物; 结果,产物

precipitate 相关例句



1. The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped.

2. Her remark precipitated my decision.

precipitate 网络解释

1. 沉淀物:最後的数字只可是0或5.溶液浓度计算准确至四位小数.- 质化分析 (Qualitative analysis) 的实验不涉及任何数量化结果,那麼便应详述实验中的可见观察结果 (visible observation),例如有否沉淀物 (precipitate) 及其颜色,有否气体放出及其颜色及测试其身份的结果,

2. 沉淀:水质当中所含钙离子与镁离子,会在槽液之中形成沉淀(Precipitate)物质,也会影响贯孔制程中所用的其他槽液. 所以槽液所须的水质,最好使用去离子水,至少也要使用经过处理之后的软水(Soft Water),以免影响槽液的操作进行.检查一下钻孔制程所用的钻针是否锐利,

3. 沈淀物:将上清液与沈淀物(precipitate)分开,分析步骤如下:2.0 c.c. 2.0 c.c. 加入上述试剂可将沈淀物溶解. Vortex混匀并放置常温10分钟. 若有不沈淀之杂质,用离心法将之弃除. 每一样品要在335-390 nm 波长扫描 (以空白管做为blank),

precipitate 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /prɪ'sɪpəteɪt/. The adjective is pronounced /prɪ'sɪpɪtət/. 动词读作 /prɪ'sɪpəteɪt/,形容词读作/prɪ'sɪpɪtət/。

1. precipitate的翻译

1. 使(通常指不好的事件或形势)突然发生;加速
    If something precipitates an event or situation, usually a bad one, it causes it to happen suddenly or sooner than normal.

    e.g. The killings in Vilnius have precipitated the worst crisis yet...
    e.g. A slight mistake could precipitate a disaster.

2. (行动或决定)仓猝的,贸然的,突然的
    A precipitate action or decision happens or is made more quickly or suddenly than most people think is sensible.

    e.g. I don't think we should make precipitate decisions...
    e.g. Many of our current problems have been caused by precipitate policy making in the past.

Somebody hired from another country is not likely to resign precipitately...
He hurried precipitately away.
precipitate 单语例句

1. They figure that by pursuing such an approach to precipitate a political crisis, they can hijack the issue and dictate terms to the rest of the voting public.

2. Chop small trees first, and let burning tree ash precipitate out the alkaline water.

3. A breakdown of the euro would precipitate a banking crisis that would be beyond the global financial authorities'ability to control.

4. precipitate

4. Protectionist measures will not improve, but precipitate the US trade deficit.

5. Mandelson has dismissed the possibility of a trade war with China over surging Chinese textile imports and rejected'precipitate'EU action against Beijing.

6. precipitate

6. Those declines damaged consumer confidence and retirement accounts and might help precipitate a recession.

7. precipitate在线翻译

7. The water is then pumped into the production line, which is supposed to precipitate the sediment and purify the water.

8. Meteorological agencies in these areas are prepared to artificially precipitate rain when conditions permit, Zhai said.

9. " It's not the role of regulators to precipitate the crisis, " he said.
