
precarious [prɪˈkeəriəs]  [prɪˈkeriəs] 

比较级:more precarious

最高级:most precarious

precarious 基本解释

形容词危险的; 不确定的; 不安全的; 可疑的

precarious 相关例句


1. Our financial situation is still precarious.

precarious 网络解释

1. 不穩定:根据一项所谓的皮崔奎恩报告的数据,二百至三百万家庭难以支付住房款,这些家庭生活在不稳定(precarious)、不舒适(uncomfortable)的状况中. 过去几十年,为解决.(address)住房问题而制定的政策(policy)已经发生了变化,

2. 不稳定的:preattentive process 前注意过程 | precarious 不稳定的 | precausal thinking 前因果思维

3. 不稳定/危险:precipitous 陡峭的 | precarious 不稳定/危险 | prevaricate 支吾其词

4. 危险的:preacher 传道者 | precarious 危险的 | precaution 预防

precarious 词典解释


1. (局势)不确定的,不稳定的,危险的
    If your situation is precarious, you are not in complete control of events and might fail in what you are doing at any moment.

    e.g. Our financial situation had become precarious.
    e.g. ...the Government's precarious position.

The hunter-gatherer lifestyle today survives precariously in remote regions.
Wells was well aware of the precariousness of human life.

2. 不稳固的;不牢靠的
    Something that is precarious is not securely held in place and seems likely to fall or collapse at any moment.

    e.g. They looked rather comical as they crawled up precarious ladders.

One of my grocery bags was still precariously perched on the car bumper.
precarious 单语例句

1. The financial situation for the automakers grows more precarious by the day.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Going from one carriage to another meant a precarious walk through the vestibule, knowing that one wrong step could mean falling on to the tracks.

3. precarious的解释

3. The previous deadline for closing down substandard migrant schools in Beijing has been postponed, and today migrant schools are still worrying about their precarious fate.

4. precarious在线翻译

4. Contentment for Matthiessen is more precarious, though he finds his spiritual place.

5. Analysts said Europe had entered into a " critical and precarious " phase.

6. International observers called for calm during the precarious wait for results of the country's second presidential poll since Taliban rule.

7. precarious的翻译

7. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson testified before Congress this week on the country's precarious financial state.

8. Others who have tried to estimate the pop icon's wealth say his status is so precarious he has trouble paying his bills.

9. precarious在线翻译

9. The report indicated that she was in danger of falling from her precarious perch.


10. And with an anemic offense and a winless record, a coach's job status grows ever more precarious.

precarious 英英释义


1. affording no ease or reassurance

    e.g. a precarious truce

    Synonym: unstable

2. fraught with danger

    e.g. dangerous waters
           a parlous journey on stormy seas
           a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat
           the precarious life of an undersea diver
           dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery

    Synonym: parlous perilous touch-and-go

3. not secure
    beset with difficulties

    e.g. a shaky marriage

    Synonym: shaky
