
prankster ['præŋkstə(r)]  [ˈpræŋkstɚ] 


prankster 基本解释


prankster 网络解释

1. 爱开玩笑的人;恶作剧的人:9. rain on my parade 破坏气氛,泼冷水 | 10. prankster 爱开玩笑的人;恶作剧的人 | 11. status 地位,身份

2. 顽皮的人:prankish 戏弄的 | prankster 顽皮的人 | prartition 磁盘分区

3. 顽皮的人,爱开玩笑的人:411. practitioner: 开业者,从事某种手艺者. | 412. prankster: 顽皮的人,爱开玩笑的人. | 413. predecessor: 前任,前辈.

prankster 词典解释

1. 开玩笑者;搞恶作剧者
    A prankster is someone who plays tricks and practical jokes on people.

prankster 单语例句

1. The story may be a publicity stunt by The Advocate, or a hoax in the style of veteran media prankster Alan Abel.

2. An elderly man nearing death who wants to give something back to the world, or just a prankster?

3. Prankster Hu Ge unexpectedly reaped fame after posting his parody of " The Promise " online earlier this year.

4. A copycat version of CCTV's News Hour made by net prankster Hu Ge recently hit the Internet.

5. Cheryl Cole stormed out of a television interview after being asked the same question repeatedly by a prankster.

6. A man had to be taken to hospital stuck to a public toilet after a prankster covered the seat with glue.

prankster 英英释义


1. someone who plays practical jokes on others

    Synonym: cut-up trickster tricker hoaxer practical joker
