





practices 基本解释
实践;惯例;练习( practice的名词复数 );业务;
practices 网络解释


1. 做法:国际会计准则委员会(IASC)在<<国际会计准则第8号--当期净损益、重大差错和会计政策变更>>中,对会计政策的定义是:企业编报财务报表时所采用的特定原则(specific principles)基础(basis)、惯例(conventions)、规则(rules)和做法(practices).

2. 实务:几年前,觉得需要综合集成方案(integration solution)的企业转向了专用于此用途的产品与实务(practices). 可是,这些企业应用集成(Enterprise Application Integration,EAI)产品是昂贵的,它们耗去了大量的时间和精力,而结果却往往是失败的.

3. 规范:指的是公元前8000年以近; l人类在求生存和发展进程中,经过了一个漫长的体验食物安全的过程,直到现代社会,才开始使用科学的方法管理食品安全; l现代食品安全管理形成了三次浪潮[17],即:行为规范(Practices)),危害性分析(H

4. 作法:Camp认为标杆研究是在试图找出一种能产生最佳效益(performance)的最佳实务作法(practices).标杆研究是一种改善品质及工作程序的活动,是将现有的工作流程,产品,服务与组织内或组织外的最佳表现者(best-in-class)加以比较的正式评估过程.标杆研究的目的是学习优秀他人,

practices 单语例句

1. Our goal is to integrate our business across the 20 some breweries and implement global best practices to increase the efficiency of the operations.

2. practices的翻译

2. Aside from the skills and experience factors, another issue is the use of standard business practices and ethics.

3. The global crisis is not only posing a new challenge to China's general business, but also one to its overall practices in labor relations.

4. But Tong said the law would act against multinationals conducting monopolistic practices in China.

5. practices是什么意思

5. The company suspended the four in April 2010 as part of an internal investigation into its compliance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

6. Xu points out that all existing institutions are mainly supported by the government, and have little knowledge of market demand and standard practices.

7. The teams are responsible for implementing a Green Action Plan of Best Practices for 2009 along with setting targets for better environmental performance.

8. But car pooling is totally different in nature from these illegal practices.

9. Let the frugal and environmentally friendly practices play their role in reducing the number of private cars on the road while reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

10. All the entrepreneurs involved in the study spend time carefully evaluating their own successes and failures to reinforce successful practices and avoid repeating mistakes.
