
powerhouse [ˈpaʊəhaʊs]  [ˈpaʊərhaʊs] 



powerhouse 基本解释


名词强大的集团[组织]; 精力充沛的人,身强力壮的人; 动力室

powerhouse 网络解释


1. 发电厂:电子产品的成功是台湾经济政策一个重要例子,成功的政策将台湾在一代人的时间内,由一所救济院(poorhouse)转化为一家发电厂(powerhouse). 但在全球经济衰退下,2009年上半年的电子产品出口同比下降28%,导致台湾的第一季度国内生产总值(GDP)萎缩10.2%,

2. 发电所:powerfully 强大地 | powerhouse 发电所 | powerless 无力的

3. 精力充沛的人:190.pull a long face 不悦的神态 | 191.powerhouse 精力充沛的人 | 192.pound the pavement 徘徊街头找工作

powerhouse 词典解释

1. 权势集团;强国
    A powerhouse is a country or organization that has a lot of power or influence.

    e.g. Nigeria is the most populous African country and an economic powerhouse for the continent.

2. powerhouse的解释

2. 精力充沛的人;充满活力的人
    If you say that someone is a powerhouse, you mean that they are very energetic.

powerhouse 单语例句

1. One of the most notable civilizations once occupying Tunisian lands was the ancient powerhouse Carthage.

2. powerhouse在线翻译

2. While China is chasing its first gold medal in the Olympic figure skating, traditional powerhouse Russia will attempt to sweep all the four golds on offer in Turin.

3. powerhouse在线翻译

3. The army of cheap laborers that made China a manufacturing powerhouse is neither as vast as once thought nor as cheap as it was.

4. Since 1978 it has transmogrified from the isolated, indigent and unenlightened country of the cold war years to a world economic powerhouse.

5. He heads to the southern economic powerhouse city of Shenzhen on Wednesday before flying home from adjoining Hong Kong.

6. She said ecological issues and business interests often collide and that is now prominent in China as the country rapidly develops as an economic powerhouse.

7. powerhouse的解释

7. India too is emerging as a powerhouse and being courted by the US as a possible counterweight to China.

8. A powerhouse display of force by Egyptian lifter Heba Said Ahmed yesterday won her a gold after setting four world records at the Beijing Paralympics.

9. The autonomous region is intensifying efforts to improve its traffic infrastructure, diversify cooperation ties and develop its coastal cities into a economic powerhouse.

10. The diving powerhouse has grabbed six of the eight diving titles in London, falling short in men's springboard and platform events.

powerhouse 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. an electrical generating station

    Synonym: power station power plant

2. powerhouse的近义词

2. a team considered to be the best of its class

3. a highly energetic and indefatigable person

    Synonym: human dynamo ball of fire fireball
