
possibly [ˈpɒsəbli]  [ˈpɑ:səbli] 

possibly 基本解释

副词可能地; 也许,或许; 敢是; 容许

possibly 相关例句


1. We cannot possibly do it.

2. You may possibly get a new job.

3. It can't possibly work.

4. I'll do all I possibly can.

possibly 情景对话


A:Could I possibly use your bathroom?

B:Of course.

possibly 网络解释


1. 可能地:popular流行的 | possibly可能地 | quality质量

2. (也许吧:Are you making any progress with her?|和她有进展吗? | Possibly.|也许吧 | Are you going to tell me who you are?|你能告诉我你是谁吗?

3. 可能吗:Miss me? 想念我了? | Possibly? 可能吗? | Do you blame me for the 你是否责怪我在我只的生活里生存的方式?

possibly 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 或许;也许
    You use possibly to indicate that you are not sure whether something is true or might happen.

    e.g. Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks...
    e.g. They were smartly but casually dressed; possibly students...

2. (表示对所见或所闻感到惊讶、困惑或震惊)
    You use possibly to emphasize that you are surprised, puzzled, or shocked by something that you have seen or heard.

    e.g. It was the most unexpected piece of news one could possibly imagine...
    e.g. I mean, how could they possibly eat that stuff?...

3. 尽量;尽可能地
    You use possibly to emphasize that someone has tried their hardest to do something, or has done it as well as they can.

    e.g. They've done everything they can possibly think of...
    e.g. It's one of the nicest feelings you can possibly have.

4. (加强语气)无论如何也
    You use possibly to emphasize that something definitely cannot happen or definitely cannot be done.

    e.g. No I really can't possibly answer that!
    e.g. There's nothing more they can possibly do right...

possibly 单语例句

1. possibly

1. Diplomatic condemnation is the most likely first response, followed by targeted economic sanctions and possibly a United Nations Security Council resolution.

2. possibly的解释

2. Kong says investment should possibly be secondary when looking at a painting, because " there is always a certain degree of risk in any investment activity ".

3. possibly的反义词

3. Secondly, wild birds that carry the virus can possibly infect people.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. Any reckless appreciations of the yuan's exchange rate against the dollar now will possibly bring catastrophic results to the Chinese economy and even the world.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. They will possibly see it as a top priority to further check the strategic offensives launched by Russia across the Caucasian region.

6. The US Central Intelligence Agency has said it believes the North has produced at least one nuclear weapon and possibly two.

7. Pretending to know everything we could possibly know about the two masters is certainly not one of them.

8. The Palestinian health ministry counted 17 dead and 140 wounded, with the higher toll possibly due to double registration during the initial chaos.

9. The mainland would gradually add six more destinations and possibly more if needed.

10. The media expos of a possibly explosive scandal has forced upon " competent authorities " the duty of clarifying this mess.

possibly 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. by chance

    e.g. perhaps she will call tomorrow
           we may possibly run into them at the concert
           it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time

    Synonym: perchance perhaps maybe mayhap peradventure

2. possibly的翻译

2. to a degree possible of achievement or by possible means

    e.g. they can't possibly get here in time for the funeral?
