


portrayals 基本解释
描写;描述;画像( portrayal的名词复数 );描摹;
portrayals 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Demeaning portrayals of women cheapen our debates, dampen the dreams of our daughters and deny us the contributions of too many.

2. Both the book and the stage production are banned for their explicit portrayals of sex and corruption in a decadent society.

3. portrayals的意思

3. Many of his works feature people in daily life, giving his ink portrayals an earthy feel.

4. The report suggested broadcasters provide more realistic portrayals of the consequences of sex and that parents limit their children's access to sexually explicit programming.

5. portrayals

5. Zhao, famous for his portrayals of farmers was sworn in to great fanfare Wednesday.

6. The furore over " 300 " is by no means the first time Iran has been left fuming over Western portrayals of its ancient history.

7. He often cannot get right the portrayals his tutors demand, which severely depresses him.

8. Bancroft became known for her willingness to assume a variety of portrayals.

9. Perhaps the overseas media's portrayals of China's hatred are really just a manifestation of their own xenophobia.

10. portrayals的近义词

10. The founding of New China catapulted screen portrayals of CPC persona up front and center.
