名词杨树; 杨木
1. 白杨:制作发表会上,角川公司的董事长兼CEO角川历彦、白杨(POPLAR)社社长坂井宏先、Sunrise社长吉井孝幸,以及扮演各作品的主要登场人物的声优阵容全部出席.
2. 白杨树:在东岸的哈利法克斯,枫树(maple)、橡树(oak)、榉树(beech)、白杨树(poplar)、桦树 (birch)的树叶,把许多地区盖上一层厚厚的红、橘、黄色. 秋天略带寒意,柔和的颜色却又令人觉得温暖. 在亚省艾明顿地区绵延235公里的华西克哈根山径(Waskahegan Trail),
3. 杨树:杨树-杨树(poplar)在林业中地位和发展概况1947年联合国粮农组织(FAO)成立以树种为划分的国际杨树委员会,中国于1980年加入该组织,并成立了中国杨树委员会(也是我国以树种划分的唯一学会).
1. 杨树
A poplar is a type of tall thin tree.
1. The data show warping in the poplar panel Leonardo used as his canvas, but the painting is in relatively good shape.
2. He uses the image of the poplar to extol the vitality and spirit of the nation.
3. These are the annual flurries of fluff falling from poplar and willow trees.
4. poplar是什么意思
4. Another popular hot dish is the black poplar mushroom fried with foie gras and chicken, at 58 yuan.
5. poplar
5. The work is made of four vertical planks of poplar backed by two horizontal wooden crosspieces.
6. Today the poplar forests play a crucial role in restoring marginal flood plains and stabilizing the river banks.
7. Swallows nested below the eves and magpies called from their nests high up in the poplar trees.
8. poplar的意思
8. Its harvest season coincides with the off season of other fruits, so it is poplar among people particularly at the start of summer.
9. China has approved the commercial use of transgenic cotton, poplar and papaw.
10. poplar的反义词
10. In October, a poplar tree festival was held to promote tourism.
1. poplar的反义词
1. any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins
Synonym: poplar tree
2. soft light-colored non-durable wood of the poplar