
poodle [ˈpu:dl]  [ˈpudl] 


poodle 基本解释


名词贵宾犬; 髦毛小狗

poodle 网络解释


1. 贵妇犬:1贵妇犬(Poodle)的原种是巨型贵妇犬(standard poodle),据说曾在欧洲各地生息繁衍,原产国是德国,16世纪传入法国,并在那里被改良配种,而产生出大小不同的贵妇犬.

2. 贵宾犬:转 贵宾犬 (Poodle)简介[历史]迷你贵宾和玩具贵宾可能是由标准贵宾与马耳济斯及哈威那杂交而培育出来的小形品种. 标准贵宾本来是被培

3. 狮子狗:注:狮子狗(poodle)在日本大陆极为罕见,很多人根本不知道它应该长什么样,在日本它的市价是 630 欧元.

4. 贵宾狗:在此提供一些本人收集关於贵宾狗种的资讯,提供给各位朋友在选购你喜爱的泰迪贵宾狗狗之前有基本的概念与想法, 贵宾狗(Poodle)的犬种大小体型在AKC(American Kennel Club 美国繁殖者协会)里大致区分为三种

poodle 词典解释

1. 贵宾犬;贵妇犬;鬈毛狗
    A poodle is a type of dog with thick curly hair.

poodle 单语例句

1. He is also expected to try to shed the UK's image as George Bush's poodle by forging a different relationship with the US.

2. That made for witty touches like a shocking pink tufted chiffon poodle embroidered on the back of a frayed denim coat.

3. " I live happier since I adopted my dear doggie two years ago, " said the proud owner of a poodle.

4. poodle什么意思

4. Guess that wouldn't be a problem for the white poodle in my neighborhood whose ears and tail have been dyed hot pink.

5. Bush tickling a poodle representing British leader Tony Blair on the White House lawn, then leading him in a tango in the desert.

6. " The poodle came out of nowhere, " another witness said.

7. The Chinese love their little pet dogs and so do the French with more than 9 percent of French dog owners having a poodle.

8. Others weren't so daunting, like having her poodle eating her air ticket to London.

9. poodle的解释

9. A woman watches the solar eclipse with her poodle in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province on July 22.

10. " PM gives a signal that he's no poodle, " the conservative Daily Telegraph headlined a story about the meeting.

poodle 英英释义


1. an intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-colored coat that is usually clipped
    an old breed sometimes trained as sporting dogs or as performing dogs

    Synonym: poodle dog
