
pond [pɒnd]  [pɑ:nd] 


pond 基本解释



pond 相关例句



1. Some cattle were drinking at the pond.

2. Most farms have a pond from which cattle can drink.

pond 网络解释


1. 池塘:我选的是question历史学界对19世纪英格兰女性社会地位(role)的传统共识[版本1]另外一篇是关于某个生物(那个动物叫啥实在想不起来,好像单词也不认得)在一个池塘(pond)里的死因,什么drowned,等等,文章第二部分做了大量原因的推理,

2. (塘):我选的是question历史学界对19世纪英格兰女性社会地位(role)的传统共识[版本1]另外一篇是关于某个生物(那个动物叫啥实在想不起来,好像单词也不认得)在一个池塘(pond)里的死因,什么drowned,等等,文章第二部分做了大量原因的推理,

3. 水塘:2.0389 水池pool | 2.0390 水塘pond | 2.0391 喷泉fountain

4. pond:philomena of dacia; 彼得

pond 词典解释

1. 池塘;水塘
    A pond is a small area of water that is smaller than a lake. Ponds are often made artificially.

    e.g. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.
    e.g. ...a garden pond.

2. pond

2. 大西洋
    People sometimes refer to the Atlantic Ocean as the pond .

    e.g. Usually, the presentation is made on the other side of the pond...
    e.g. Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.

pond 单语例句

1. The Xiangshan peninsula has been dubbed " China's vast fish pond " for its plentiful fish resources, and its people have a history of conservation activism.

2. pond

2. There is a grand central hall with a huge pond, in which many golden carp swim slowly.

3. pond

3. Children feed the carp in a pond at Yu Yuan in Shanghai.

4. That cup of hot cocoa may do more than just warm your body and spirit after you spend an evening skating on the pond.

5. Yu Hui draws landscapes of southern China - the wild weed, the dense wood and the transparent pond - like a dreamland with vivid colors.

6. In the residential part of the compound is a small garden with rockeries and a pond.

7. A disciple of Confucianism and a disciple of Lao Tze's Taoist teachings were standing at a pond observing the fish below.

8. pond

8. The mother took the manager of the fishpond to court, arguing he had taken no measures to protect people from falling into the pond.

9. One worker leapt into a pond to dodge the animal, which attacked the others in front of horrified visitors.

10. Hankering for a taste of Down Under but don't feel like crossing the pond?

pond 英英释义



1. a small lake

    e.g. the pond was too small for sailing

    Synonym: pool
