
pomegranate [ˈpɒmɪgrænɪt]  [ˈpɑ:mɪgrænɪt] 



pomegranate 基本解释

名词石榴; 石榴树

pomegranate 网络解释

1. 石榴:並帶有清新、提神的天然香氣 石榴(Pomegranate)的抗氧化作用近年来对石榴的研究发现,蓝莓汁、橙汁、红酒和绿茶这些都是以往营养学家所推荐的富含抗氧化物饮料,但和石榴汁比起来,它们的作用就显得小多了.

2. 石榴花:8月7日 石榴花(Pomegranate) 花语:成熟美 花占卜:您浑身洋溢著艺术气息,有著艺术家的! 执著,一旦决定了的事情必会实行,不会轻易妥协. 您高傲的性格,容易丧失朋友,虽然曲高和寡,但更懂得爱的真意,您的美需要懂得欣赏您的人才发掘得到. 花箴言:一旦

3. 紅石榴:我们必须特别护理唇部的敏感肌肤. 这款注满维他命的唇膏混合多种成份,共同发挥效能,即时及持续改善唇部肌肤状态. 活跃的维他命C配方可令樱唇看来更健康、感觉更滋润;其他主要抗氧化成份如红石榴(Pomegranate)可保护樱唇免受环境侵袭,预防未来损伤.

4. 榴:- Butcher brook(花竹柏 ) (Stimulates)石榴(Pomegranate)的抗氧化作用: 近年来对石榴的研究发现,蓝莓汁、橙汁、红酒和绿茶这些都是以往营养学家所推荐的富含抗氧化物饮料,但和石榴汁比起来,它们的作用就显得小多了.

pomegranate 词典解释

1. 石榴
    A pomegranate is a round fruit with a thick reddish skin. It contains lots of small seeds with juicy flesh around them.

pomegranate 单语例句

1. pomegranate是什么意思

1. A pomegranate salad was the palate cleanser - followed by a rustic shredded green turnip in a clear soup and served with skinned cherry tomatoes.

2. Why would the Chinese favor pomegranate, fingered citron and peach among so many fruits?

3. pomegranate

3. I waited until after the chicken was off the grill to drizzle on the pomegranate molasses.

4. Some people are convinced that Eve ate a pomegranate and not the legendary apple in the Garden of Eden.

5. But the one place pomegranate molasses has failed me and my birds is on the grill.

6. In Indian ayurvedic medicine, the pomegranate has been used for thousands of years.

7. Auction highlights include a hanging scroll Children Playing under a Pomegranate Tree, painted in 1948 and renowned for how Zhang captures the lightness of a child's waistcoat.

8. Of all the condiments in my overstuffed pantry, pomegranate molasses ranks among the most intense.

9. pomegranate的意思

9. Huili county in Sichuan province will host its second international pomegranate festival from Sept 15 to 17.

10. The materials that Huang uses include pomegranate skins, woad roots and various grasses and flowers.

pomegranate 英英释义



1. large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind

2. shrub or small tree native to southwestern Asia having large red many-seeded fruit

    Synonym: pomegranate tree Punica granatum
