police office

police office [pəˈli:s ˈɔfis]  [pəˈlis ˈɔfɪs] 

police office 基本解释



police office 网络解释

1. 警察局:为此我丢了在KORTRIJK(比利时的一个小城市)中餐馆的工作. 可是一连几个星期他都不来,只好去市政厅(COMMU)问. 恰恰COMMU今天速度奇慢, 等到我了,他们只叫我去警察局(POLICE OFFICE)问,也不告诉地址在哪,找哪一位. 于是去问...

2. 机场公安局(警察局):dispatch office 签派室 | police office 机场公安局(警察局) | boby temperature scanner 体温检测仪

3. (巡檢司):xin-fu (信符) - verification tally | xun-jian si (巡檢司) - police office | yan-lao (宴勞) - banquet in reward

4. 邮局:1. shop assistant 商店服务员 | 2. police office 邮局 | 3. bank clerk 银行职员

police office 单语例句

1. The discovery led to a shutdown of three Senate office buildings for several days, and about two dozen staffers and Capitol police officers underwent decontamination.

2. He said protesters raided and looted the city's central police office.

3. Police have detained an expat following complaints he stole two tables from a Starbucks coffee shop in his office building.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. The office said French police officers had also been cleared for the administrative section which handled Brazil's reports into the disaster.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Police vehicles could be seen outside the consulate general office, where dozens of police officers were maintaining order.

6. Cooley said that his office has assigned the best prosecutors to cooperate with the police officers to prosecute the defendants to the full extent.

7. police office的翻译

7. The NZDF was working with the New Zealand Police and Coroner's Office on the matter.

8. They said they learned of their son's death from the coroner's office, and neither police nor zoo officials had contacted them.

9. The Los Angeles County Coroner's office has completed its autopsy report but its findings remain sealed until police conclude their investigation.

10. police office的近义词

10. South Africa's court of appeal ruled that a police seizure of incriminating documents from Zuma's home and office was legal.
