
polarization [ˌpəʊləraɪ'zeɪʃn]  [ˌpolərɪˈzeʃən] 

polarization 基本解释


名词极化; 产生极性; (光)偏振; 对立

polarization 网络解释


1. 极化:再有,在电池中,极化(polarization)建立逆电动势,这种情 况是由化学作用引起的. background radiation 本底放射由于宇宙放射 (cosmic radiation)和地球岩石、土壤和大气中存在放射性同位素,因而 在地球表面和大气中存在的低强度电离辐射(ionizing radiation).

2. 极化作用:之后,大彗星又奔向了地球的方向,导致地球被夹在太阳与大彗星的万有引力之间,产生了极化作用(polarization),彗星散落到地球上的冰由于离心力的作用分别转移至南北两极,覆盖了空心地球的大部分南北极(两个)空洞(地球、火星和木星一样都是空心的,

3. 偏振:这种由Swinburne科技大学的James Chon等人研发出来的DVD有五个维度可以记录与读取数据:其中三维是堆栈的记录层,另外两个新维度则是颜色波长与偏振(polarization).

4. 偏光:在物理课本里,以偏光(polarization)去分析金属矿物的特性、光学仪器里的滤光器制作、光在不同材质表面的反射系数(reflective index)与偏光的关系、物质的左旋光特性与右旋光的差异性,都是布鲁斯特最早提出的.

polarization 单语例句

1. The Wall Street turmoil and the global financial crisis have proved the trend of such polarization.

2. Social differentiation in ancient Lingjiatan was advanced, both with regards to wealth polarization and occupational differentiation.

3. " The medical skills and morals of doctors in private clinics are in serious polarization, " he said.

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4. The polarization has aroused wide concern among the public in recent years.

5. Its latest step is the establishment of a uranium futures market, designed to ensure the polarization of nuclear energy for civilian use.

6. polarization

6. That is why our policy will not lead to polarization, to a situation where the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.

7. If efforts are not made to achieve equity in wealth distribution, growth will foster polarization and contribute to instability.

8. The resulting social divisiveness will have a negative impact on the economy and polarization will do no good to anybody.

9. So we need relatively unobstructed social mobility channels and opportunities because they can offset income polarization.

10. But considering China's financial environment and the growing polarization of the rich and poor, the hostility makes some sense.

polarization 英英释义


1. the phenomenon in which waves of light or other radiation are restricted in direction of vibration

    Synonym: polarisation

2. the condition of having or giving polarity

    Synonym: polarisation
