
pointless [ˈpɔɪntləs]  [ˈpɔɪntlɪs] 

pointless 基本解释

形容词无谓; 无意义的; 不得要领的; 钝的

pointless 网络解释


1. 不得要领:如果你的生命漫无方向 那是因为你没有设定一个方向. 如果你的生命没有成就是因为你不知道自己要成就什么. 如果你的生命不得要领(pointless) 是因为你没有善用生命这个工具来制作一个要领.

2. 无意义的:plotless没有情节的 | pointless无意义的 | portionless没有配给物的

3. 钝的:pointing 弄尖 | pointless 钝的 | points of the compass 罗盘的三十二个方位

pointless 词典解释

1. 无益的;无意义的;无目的的
    If you say that something is pointless, you are criticizing it because it has no sense or purpose.

    e.g. Violence is always pointless...
    e.g. Without an audience the performance is pointless.

Chemicals were pointlessly poisoning the soil.
...lying awake pointlessly going over and over again something we need to do.
You cannot help wondering about the pointlessness of it all.
pointless 单语例句

1. The government's counsel countered that a judicial review would be pointless at the current stage because the proposal may be altered after consultation.

2. Although they do not result in visible garbage and pollution, the time wasted in pointless meetings and documents are no less detrimental.

3. So it would be pointless to look into whether China had breached any WTO rules in issuing the directive.

4. While it may seem pointless to do the right thing and dispose of litter responsibly, every social change needs to start somewhere.

5. So he continues his search for the dusty and sometimes damaged manuscripts - which to many seems a hard and pointless mission.

6. pointless的近义词

6. The ministry was pointless to some extent as big oil, power and coal companies also enjoyed administrative power under the planned economy at that time.

7. pointless

7. Kelly said it appeared pointless for young English coaches to get FA qualifications if they stand little chance of becoming the national team coach.

8. pointless的翻译

8. The root cause of this phenomenon should be studied first, and simply cursing the rich people would be pointless.

9. It also prohibits pointless media reporting and upholds the principle of diligence and frugality.

10. I still think it is the most pointless festival since National Gherkin Week.

pointless 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. not having a point especially a sharp point

    e.g. my pencils are all pointless

    Synonym: unpointed

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. serving no useful purpose
    having no excuse for being

    e.g. otiose lines in a play
           advice is wasted words
           a pointless remark
           a life essentially purposeless
           senseless violence

    Synonym: otiose purposeless senseless superfluous wasted
