
plunger [ˈplʌndʒə(r)]  [ˈplʌndʒɚ] 


plunger 基本解释


名词活塞; 手压皮碗泵; 撞针杆; 柱跳水者,潜水者

plunger 网络解释


1. 柱塞:梅兰日兰(MGE)呵呵就是贵了点,估计是现在所有UPS里最贵的机器,不过好的一点是他的大机器都是原装的2.柱塞泵的泵油原理 柱塞泵的泵油机构包括两套精密偶件:柱塞(plunger) 柱塞套(barrel)构成柱塞

2. 活塞:到看押索菲亚的德国兵后面找到活塞(Plunger),再同德国兵谈话,吸引他的注意力,这时索菲亚将他解决掉,得到自由. 用钥匙开舵,用活塞代替控制升降的水准仪的把手,再找到速度控制器和控制进退的马达逆向开关,便可驾驶潜艇潜入海底的气塞(Aitlock)处.

3. 通厕器:主营:通厕器(plunger)拍盖(flapper)堵水塞(rubberstopper)O型环(o-ring)门档(doorstop)主营:丁基再生胶胎面再生胶三元乙丙(EPDM)体育休闲运动铺阻尼材料工程及矿山机械配件橡胶密封件实芯轮胎桥梁用...[摘要]天津裕佳昌国际货运有限公司,

4. 通便器:首先拿取右边的通便器(plunger),再到前舱最右边,打开地道门下去,利用电池酸液融化坚固的盒子(strongbox),在里面找到3个石环以及一把小型钥匙(tinykey).

plunger 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (疏通管道用的)搋子
    A plunger is a device for clearing waste pipes. It consists of a rubber cup on the end of a stick which you press down several times over the end of the pipe.

plunger 单语例句

1. Insert the needle and press the plunger down and wait 10 seconds after the entire dose has been delivered.

2. He uses various tricks in his playing technique to get different sounds, even using the base of a toilet plunger to create a muted effect.

3. Letting coffee sit around in a plunger for too long can also make it bitter.

plunger 英英释义



1. mechanical device that has a plunging or thrusting motion

    Synonym: piston

2. hand tool consisting of a stick with a rubber suction cup at one end
    used to clean clogged drains

    Synonym: plumber's helper

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. someone who dives (into water)

    Synonym: diver

4. someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains

    Synonym: speculator
