
plum [plʌm]  [plʌm] 


plum 基本解释


名词葡萄干; 李子,李树; 李属植物; 紫红色

形容词紫红色的; 称心如意的(工作或职位)

plum 相关例句



1. His new job is a real plum.

2. Plums are now in season.

plum 网络解释


1. 洋李:对於桃子、杏、洋李(plum)、西洋梨(pear)等所谓软果,软果生產者协会提供以下选购及享用建议:买回家后马上从包装的盒子或篮子裡取出来,否则果实会释出乙烯(ethylene)气体,有催熟作用,可能使之变坏.

2. 李树:6:装饰型树木(Aesthetic Trees) 分为李树(Plum)、桃树(Peach)和樱桃树(Cherry). [I:居民区规划] 富人区的规划跟平民区大致相同,而且规划好平民区要比富人区重要的多,所有下面只讲述如何规划平民区. [I1:道路] 建立一个区域大概都要先铺好道路,

plum 词典解释

1. 李子;梅子
    A plum is a small, sweet fruit with a smooth red or yellow skin and a stone in the middle.

2. 紫红色;青紫色
    Something that is plum or plum-coloured is a dark reddish-purple colour.

    e.g. ...plum-coloured silk.

3. plum

3. (工作、合同、角色等)令人垂涎的,吸引人的
    A plum job, contract, or role is a very good one that a lot of people would like.

    e.g. Laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.

plum 单语例句

1. plum的反义词

1. A path next to the greenhouse leads to an orchard with plum and cherry trees, melon patches in between and a flock of sheep grazing peacefully throughout.

2. plum的反义词

2. Showing rich details of Chinese ink and brush techniques, the painting is called Magpies Leap in the Plum Blossom.

3. plum的反义词

3. Apricots and cherries are good for jam making, and nothing beats a dollop of plum chutney with a bit of cheese.

4. The nose is blackberry rich with notes of cinnamon and black plum flavours.

5. The plum scene in the Gushan Scenic Area became a popular destination in Drum Mountain.


6. Plum blossoms are dotted on the background of the stamp and pane of 25.

7. Some drinkers like to drop a salted plum into the warmed wine.

8. But in the revolutionary age, the plum blossom evolved into the embodiment of the revolutionist.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Experts say despite the beautiful end product, growing a plum bonsai can be something of a tedious process.

10. To avoid the unknown ingredients in readymade Chinese condiments, you could experiment with your own plum sauce and serve this with spring rolls.

plum 英英释义


1. a highly desirable position or assignment

    e.g. a political plum

2. any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single pit

3. any of several trees producing edible oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single hard stone

    Synonym: plum tree


1. completely
    used as intensifiers

    e.g. clean forgot the appointment
           I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out

    Synonym: clean plumb

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. exactly

    e.g. fell plumb in the middle of the puddle

    Synonym: plumb
