plug into

plug into [plʌɡ ˈɪntuː]  [plʌɡ ˈɪntu] 

plug into 基本解释
plug into 网络解释

1. 把插头插入:plug in 插入 | plug into 把插头插入 | plug up 堵住

2. 将..插入:bin n箱 | plug into 将..插入 | outlet n插座

3. 插入电座:26. laptop computer: 膝上电脑,凡是手提电脑或是笔记型的电脑都属这一类. | 27. plug into:插入电座. | 28. down the street: 一直下去就到了.

4. 接上:24643 fan club 粉丝俱乐部 | 24646 plug into 接上 | 24648 a pair of earphones 一副耳机

plug into 单语例句

1. This interaction causes the fluid to clot into a gelatinous solid mass, known as the mating plug.

2. Patients could wear a battery pack or plug into an electrical outlet to recharge the heart's battery.


3. Users can plug a PLC modem into any electrical outlet to access the Web as PLC is overlaid on the electrical distribution system.

4. Alternatively, plug the unit into a nearby outlet for AC power.


5. The NSA could somehow plug into that node and find my call amid all the countless others that happened to be passing through.


6. After about four painstaking hours of maneuvering the submersible, the researches used its robotic arm to plug the camera into the observatory.

7. After their return, we engaged in a search for power sockets for them to plug their equipment into.

8. I imagine that one does get a bit weary of new things that you can plug into your Wii.

plug into 英英释义

plug into


1. plug into an outlet

    e.g. Please plug in the toaster!
           Connect the TV so we can watch the football game tonight

    Synonym: plug in connect
