
plenum [ˈpli:nəm]  [ˈplinəm, ˈplɛnəm] 


plenum 基本解释


名词充实,充满; 全体会议; 充满物质的空间

plenum 网络解释


1. 充实:我知道,没有一个数学家肯被人根据纸上所画的图形加以判断,他会说,这些图形只是一些粗略的第一,有人也许会说,许多年代以来人们关于真空(vacuum)和充实(Plenum)争论不休,没有能够使这个问题得到最后的解决;即在今天,

2. 充满:plenty 丰富 | plenum 充满 | pleonasm 冗言

3. 集气室:TUCK使......隐藏 | PLENUM集气室 | INDUCTION SYSTEM进气系统

4. 充满,充实;增压,高压:platter 磁盘机 | plenum 充满,充实;增压,高压 | plesiochronous communication 准同步通信

plenum 词典解释

1. plenum的近义词

1. 全体会议
    A plenum is a meeting that is attended by all the members of a committee or conference.

plenum 单语例句

1. The members decided to submit the draft to the central committee's plenum in October for deliberation after further revisions reflecting Sunday's discussion are made.

2. Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau are expected to meet the press on Monday following the plenum.

3. plenum在线翻译

3. A communique issued after the plenum said the fight against corruption was a " major political task " the Party must always implement well.

4. plenum的近义词

4. A notice issued after the plenum acknowledged problems existed inside the Party that ran counter to new circumstances and to the Party's nature.

5. The communiqu issued after the plenum outlined the current rural situations and drafted a program for the country's rural development in the years ahead.

6. The members decided to submit the draft to the Central Committee's plenum in October for deliberations after further revisions reflecting yesterday's discussion are made.

7. The plenum will mainly discuss how to further improve China's socialist market economic system and debate a proposed amendment to the Chinese Constitution.

8. The plenum was presided over by the Central Committee's Political Bureau.

9. plenum的解释

9. The plenum also called for greater efforts to improve the CPC members'conduct and build a clean government and continuous crackdown on corruption.

10. plenum的翻译

10. Signs of democratic reform became evident in the grassroots of the CPC, as it made " Party building " its top priority at the plenum.

plenum 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. an enclosed space in which the air pressure is higher than outside

2. a meeting of a legislative body at which all members are present

    e.g. the plenum will vote on all tax increases
